View Proposal #432

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First NameDave
Last NameRicheson
InstitutionDickinson College
Speaker Categoryinvited
Title of TalkThe Four Problems of Antiquity
AbstractWe discuss the history of four of the most famous problems in mathematics-the so-called problems of antiquity: squaring the circle, trisecting the angle, doubling the cube, and constructing regular n-gons. We know the outcome-that they are all impossible to solve using compass and straightedge. But there is a long and fascinating history of mathematicians' attempts to solve the problems using the Euclidean tools and their success at solving them by other means (using marked straightedges, conic sections, transcendental curves, and mechanical devices). Like all great mathematical problems, they pushed mathematics forward.
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Suitable for undergraduates?Y
Day Preferencenone
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Date Submitted09/28/2015