View Proposal #430

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First NameRuss
Last NameGoodman
InstitutionCentral College
Speaker Categoryfaculty
Title of TalkExperiences Teaching a Sports Analytics Honors Seminar
AbstractThis talk will offer the presenter's experience designing and teaching an honors seminar on sports analytics. The seminar, offered in spring 2015, was designed for honors students in general and not necessarily for mathematics majors. The presenter will describe effective and not-so-effective aspects of the seminar, along with ideas for improving the seminar in the future. Feedback and input from the audience will be solicited.
Subject area(s)analytics, statistics, data analysis
Suitable for undergraduates?Y
Day PreferenceFridayStrong
Computer Needed?Y
Bringing a laptop?N
Overhead Needed?Y
Software requestspresentation will be in both PowerPoint and Google Slides format, so having one/both of those
Special Needs
Date Submitted09/28/2015