View Proposal #427

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First NameJulia
Last NameWalk
InstitutionUniversity of Iowa
Speaker Categorygraduate student
Title of TalkBuilding a Model of the Effects of Multiple Myeloma on Kidney Function
AbstractMultiple myeloma is a type of plasma cell cancer associated with many health challenges, including damage to the kidney. When a patient's kidneys are damaged, waste builds up in the bloodstream and the body begins to shut down. We would like to model what happens as the cancer affects the proximal tubule cells in the kidney, to eventually create a model that doctors can use as a predictive tool to catch problems early. We will explore an initial model that captures the biology of the interaction between kidney cells and proteins produced by the myeloma cells. The discussion will emphasize the development of the model using power law approximations in a system of ODEs.
Subject area(s)Mathematical Biology
Suitable for undergraduates?Y
Day PreferenceEither
Computer Needed?Y
Bringing a laptop?N
Overhead Needed?N
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted09/21/2015