View Proposal #376

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First NameKenneth
Last NamePrice
InstitutionUniversity of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Speaker Categoryfaculty
Title of TalkArrowgrams: Tips and Pointers
AbstractAn arrowgram is a type of puzzle based on the transitive relation, directed graphs, and groups. To solve the puzzle a group element is assigned to each arrow of a directed graph. This is called a grading and the group element assigned to an arrow is called its grade. Grades for some arrows are given. The rest of the arrows are assigned grades using a rule which is based on transitivity. Arrowgrams also contain secret messages. The words are formed by pairs of letters which stand for the arrows. The puzzle is solved when every arrow is graded and the secret message is revealed. We answer some mathematical questions related to constructing and solving arrowgrams. How many arrows have to be given grades? Which arrows can be used? Can the same set of arrows be used for different groups?
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates?Y
Day PreferenceFridayMild
Computer Needed?Y
Bringing a laptop?N
Overhead Needed?Y
Software requests
Special NeedsFor this talk I will need a computer hooked up to a projector. I could bring my own laptop, but it usually works better to use one in the room. My slides are latex beamers, so all I need is adobe reader to display them.
Date Submitted08/21/2014