View Proposal #344

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First NameCourtney
Last NameSherwood
InstitutionSimpson College
Speaker Categoryundergraduate student
Title of TalkA Model of Invertebrate Richness on Restored Prairies
AbstractWe will present a differential equations model of prairie restoration. Here, species richness is considered as an indicator of prairie restoration, with the variables for the equation being invertebrate and plant species richness and time. We will incorporate field work from a prairie in Nebraska as an example of our model. Our main goal is determining if planting fewer seeds will yield similar invertebrate richness as planting more seeds, that is, a more cost effective approach.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates??
Day PreferenceFridayStrong
Computer Needed?
Bringing a laptop?
Overhead Needed?
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted05/01/2013