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First NameTravis
Last NamePeters
InstitutionIowa State University
Speaker Categorygraduate student
Title of TalkZero forcing number, maximum nullity, and path cover number of complete edge subdivision graphs
AbstractThe minimum rank of a simple graph G is defined to be the smallest possible rank over all symmetric real matrices whose ijth entry is nonzero whenever {i, j} is an edge in G and is zero otherwise. Maximum nullity is taken over the same set of matrices. The zero forcing number is the minimum size of a zero forcing set of vertices and bounds the maximum nullity from above. The path cover number is the fewest number of vertex disjoint induced paths that cover all the vertices of the graph. We study the effect of edge subdivisions of a graph on the zero forcing number, maximum nullity, and path cover number.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
Computer Needed?N
Bringing a laptop?Y
Overhead Needed?N
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted9/22/2011