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First NameRuth
Last NameBerger
InstitutionLuther College
Speaker Categoryfaculty
Title of TalkExploring Group Theory with FGB
AbstractFinite Group Behavior (FGB) is a free windows-based program that gives beginning group theory students a chance to explore abstract group theory concepts in a very concrete setting. The heart of the software is an extensive collection of Cayley tables of groups: Cyclic groups, Dihedral groups, and groups whose structure is not immediately recognizable. Students can explore relations among the elements of a group, determine the order of each element, and even make subgroups generated by selected elements of the group. This easy to use program also includes features that allow for the investigation of isomorphisms of groups, and it gives a nice visualization of how Cosets are formed. I will share some of the worksheets that I wrote for my Abstract Algebra students to gain some hands-on experience with these otherwise abstract concepts.
Subject area(s)Algebra, Group Theory
Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
Computer Needed?Y
Bringing a laptop?N
Overhead Needed?Y
Software requestsFGB, see comments below
Special Needs
Date Submitted10/13/2010