View Proposal #261

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First NameSteven
Last NameDunbar
InstitutionUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln
Speaker Categoryinvited
Title of TalkMAA's American Mathematics Competitions: Easy Problems, Hard Problems, History and Outcomes
AbstractHow do you get bright students hooked on mathematics? How do you keep teachers intellectually engaged and pedagogically innovative? A proven way is to involve them both in mathematics competitions with great problems that span the curriculum. The Mathematical Association of America has continuously sponsored nationwide high-school level math contests since 1952. The sequence of contests now has 5 different contests at increasing levels of mathematical sophistication. Students who succeed at the top level on these contests become the team representing the U.S. at the annual International Mathematical Olympiad. I'll showcase some interesting, easy and hard contest problems, and a little bit of history. Along the way, I'll comment about the intersection of these contests with the school mathematics curriculum.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
Computer Needed?Y
Bringing a laptop?
Overhead Needed?Y
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted9/20/2009