View Proposal #247

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First NameCarl
Last NameCowen
InstitutionIndiana University--Purdue University Indianapolis
Speaker Categoryinvited
Title of TalkConnections Between Mathematics and Biology
AbstractDr. Rita Colwell, a research microbiologist and former Director of the National Science Foundation, regards the mathematical sciences as the backbone for US Scientific and Engineering research. Many scholars see the next few decades as a time of intensive progress in the biological sciences. Dr. Colwell sees mathematics as being an integral part of the progress in biology, not a traditional view, but a forward looking one. In this talk, Carl Cowen will outline some of the research areas in the emerging collaborations between mathematical and biological scientists. In addition, Cowen, who began his study of the mathematics of neuroscience in 2002-03 at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at Ohio State University, and who worked in 2003-04 as a junior post-doc in the lab of Prof. Christie Sahley in the Purdue University Biology Department, will illustrate the connection between mathematics and neuroscience with a discussion of the Pulfrich phenomenon, an experiment that helps illuminate how the brain processes visual images. There are few mathematical or biological prerequisites for this discussion.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates????
Day Preference
Computer Needed?
Bringing a laptop?Y
Overhead Needed?
Software requests
Special Needscomputer projector
Date Submitted4/8/2008