View Proposal #242

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First NamePalle
Last NameJorgensen
InstitutionUniversity of Iowa
Speaker Categoryfaculty
Title of TalkMatrix functions
AbstractWhen I was little my father, for reasons unbeknownst to me, told me about low-pass and high-pass filters. He was a telephone engineer and worked on filters in signal processing. The 'high' and 'low' part of the story refers to frequency bands. Not that this meant much to me at the time. Rather, I was fascinated by the pictures of filter designs in the EE journals stacked up on the floor. And it was only many years later I came across this stuff in mathematics: quadrature mirror filters and all that; yet the visual impression still lingered. The talk will cover some of this math, especially wavelets: Subband filters define operators in Hilbert space which satisfy all kinds of abstract relations, and they are terribly useful. They are used in math and in signal processing. Matrix functions from math are called poly-phase matrices by engineers, and they are scattering matrices in other circles, and quantum gates in physics. In fact a lot of the things we do in math are known and used in other fields, but under different names, and known in different ways.
Subject area(s)Analysis
Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
Computer Needed?
Bringing a laptop?
Overhead Needed?Y
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted3/28/2008