View Proposal #211

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First NameRana
Last NameMikkelson
InstitutionIowa State University
Speaker Categorygraduate student
Title of TalkAn Introduction to Minimum Rank of a Graph
AbstractGiven a graph, we can associate a set of matrices therewith: the set of all symmetric matrices A over R where aij = 0 ? G has an edge between vertex i and j . We define the minimum rank of a graph is then the minimum among the ranks of all the matrices in this set. There is no one easy formula for computing this value given any graph, but for certain types graphs we can find the minimum rank exactly, and for others we can at least determine a few bounds. This talk introduces the topic and begins to explore the known results.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
Computer Needed?
Bringing a laptop?
Overhead Needed?
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted4/4/2007