View Proposal #170

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First NameAlexander
Last NameKleiner
InstitutionDrake University
Speaker Categoryfaculty
Title of TalkThe Toeplitz-Silverman Theorem Part II
AbstractIn the first two decades of the twentieth century summability developed from collection of special results used in other parts of analysis into a full-blown field. One of the main points of this transition was a collection of general results that gave conditions for a method to sum every convergent sequence. Part I of this presentation, which was given last spring, laid out the work that led to the general theory. Papers by Toeplitz, Silverman, Kojima, Schur and others established the theory. This note will look at the development of these conditions and, as time permits, the reoccurrence of these results in the early day of the "Polish" school of functional analysis
Subject area(s)analysis, history of mathematics
Suitable for undergraduates?Yes
Day Preference
Computer Needed?N
Bringing a laptop?N
Overhead Needed?Y
Software requests
Special Needs
Date Submitted3/13/2006