View Proposal #149

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First NameZhongming
Last NameWANG
InstitutionIowa State University
Speaker Categorygraduate student
Title of Talkcomputing multivalued velocity and electric field of 1D Euler-Poisson equation
AbstractWe develop a level set method for the computation of multi-valued velocity and electric fields of one-dimensional Euler-Poisson equations. The sys- tem of these equations arises in the semiclassical approximation of Schrodinger- Poisson equations and semiconductor modeling. This method uses an implicit Eulerian formulation in an extended space | called field space, which incorpo- rates both velocity and electric fields into the configuration space. Multi-valued velocity and electric fields are captured through common zeros of two level set functions, which solve a linear homogeneous transport equation in the field space. Numerical examples are presented to validate the proposed level set method.
Subject area(s)
Suitable for undergraduates????
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Bringing a laptop?
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Date Submitted2/27/2006