Mathematical Association of America

Allegheny Mountain Section

Serving Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia
Annual Meeting of the Allegheny Mountain Section of the MAA
April 5-6, 2002. Hosted by West Liberty State College.

Special Events

Invited Address: Underwood Dudley, Formulas for Primes

Abstract : 
Formulas are fascinating and so are primes, so formulas for primes ought to be fascinating squared, or at least doubled. This talk gives a survey of the field and draws a moral conclusion. Exactly one theorem will be proved

Underwood Dudley was born in New York City quite a number of years ago. He attended Carnegie Institute of Technology, was given a Ph.D. degree by the University of Michigan in 1965, and has been at DePauw University since 1967. He is responsible for five books, is a recipient of the MAA Trevor Evans prize, and is currently editor of the College Mathematics Journal. He is very proud of having Erdos number of 1.

Invited Address: Joe Gallian, Touring a Torus
This talk concerns the problem of traversing an m by n directed grid embedded on a torus so that each vertex is visited exactly once before returning to the starting position. We also consider generalizations and variations on this theme. We conclude with an application to computer graphics.

Joe Gallian received his B.A. at Slippery Rock University in 1966, M.A. at the University of Kansas in 1968, and Ph.D. from Notre Dame University in 1971; he has been at the University of Minnesota, Duluth since 1972. He has received the Trevor Evans Award and the MAA Deborah and Franklin Tepper Haimo Award for Distinguished College or University Teaching, and has authored several books and numerous journal articles. He is currently an associate editor for the American Mathematical Monthly, Co-director of Project NExT, and holds the office of MAA Vice President.

Capstone Experiences for Mathematics Majors
Panel discussion organized by Barbara Faires, will include a variety of capstone experiences from several local institutions
Section NExT Events
The first meeting of our 2002-2004 class of Section NExT fellows will precede the Spring section meeting on April 5. Special NExT activities include "Getting undergraduates involved in research" and "Finding your niche" both presented by Joe Gallian (Co-Director of Project NExT).
All current and past national and section NExT fellows are invited to participate in all Section NExT activities.

Allegheny Mountain Section of the MAA
This website is maintained by Tom Cuchta of Fairmont State University, Department of Computer Science and Mathematics.
This page was last modified on 15 April 2018 at 11:00:45 Eastern Time Zone USA

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