Report on the 79th Annual Meeting
of the Wisconsin Section of the
Mathematical Association of America
The 79th Annual Spring Meeting of the MAA-Wisconsin Section was hosted by the University of Wisconsin Stout the weekend of April 29-30, 2011. There was a pre-conference workshop on WebWork that began at 11:00, and registration for the conference began at 12:00 a.m. Friday on the UW Stout Campus in Menomonie, WI. Sessions began at 1:00 p.m. Friday, and the last talk was an invited address from 11:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 30, 2011. This was the first time that the Wisconsin Section met at UW Stout.
A total of 198 people registered for the meeting. Of those, 66 were undergraduate students and 6 were graduate students.
During the reception the section enjoyed a favorite event: FACE OFF - THE MATH GAME SHOW. The event was organized by Ken Price and Steve Szydlik. John Beam was the Master of Ceremonies. The third place team was from UW Stout, the third place winner was from UW Eau Claire, the second place team was UW Eau Claire, and the contest winner was the team from Carthage College.
The Friday evening banquet was held in the Atrium. A total of 142 people attended the banquet, including 55 undergraduate students. The evening speaker was Ivars Peterson, the Director of Publications and Communications for the MAA , who presented the banquet address entitled "Moebius Madness."
The MAA Wisconsin Section Distinguished Teaching Award was presented by Section Chair Kristen Lampe to Dr. Kenneth Jewell of Edgewood College. Congratulations Kenneth!
Four awards were presented to local teachers: Michael Hulett, Menomonie High School; Mary Jo Chronis, Menomonie Middle School; James Rumpel, Baldwin-Woodville High School; David Wolff, Colfax Middle School. We congratulate them on a job well-done!
Invited addresses
Hung-Hsi Wu, University of California - Berkeley, "Standards on the Mathematics Education of Teachers"
Ivars Peterson, Director of Publications and Communications for the MAA, "Moebius Madness"
Erik Demaine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Algorithms Meet Art, Puzzles, and Magic"
Book sale
The book sale was held in Room 203 of Jarvis Hall. The section will receive funds from the MAA as a result of sales at the book sale.
Meeting Report
5 retired persons @ 10.00
1 retired teacher @ 22.00
1 K-12 teacher @ 10.00
3 invited speakers @ 0.00
20 non members @ 22.00
62 regular members @ 20.00
72 students @ 0.00
Total preregistrations: $1762
Registrations at meeting
25 regular participants @ 25.00
32 students @ 0.00
Total on-site registrations: $625
Banquet Reservations
11 invited guests @ 0.00
73 Regular tickets @ 20.00
37 students @ 5.00
Reservations made at the meeting
5 @ 25.00, 19 @ $5
Total banquet sales $1865
book sale Income: $27.18
Publishers: $50
Total Misc: $50
Total income: $4329.18
138 dinners: $2201.10
Refreshments: $127.45
Reception: $641.45
Event Technicians: $11
Honoraria for speakers $0
Printing: $0
Student help 0 hours @ $6/hour $0
Total Costs $2981.00
Spring Meeting Profit: $1350.18
Respectfully submitted,
Mark R. Snavely