Wisconsin Section of the MAA
Executive Committee Meeting
Friday, Sept. 23 2011
Madison College
Executive Board Listserve: maawisconsin@lists.carthage.edu
Present: Ben Collins, Clare Hemenway, Kristen Lampe, Andy Matchett, Ken Price, Laura Schmidt, Mark Snavely, James Swenson, Steve Szydlik..
1. The meeting was called to order at 4:03 by Clare Hemenway.
2. The treasurer's report was given by Mark Snavely and approved, as were the brief minutes from the April Executive Board and the minutes from the January Executive Board meeting. The Report on the Annual Meeting and the Section Business Meeting Report were also reviewed and received as distributed.
3. James Swenson gave a progress report on the spring meeting at MSOE. James has confirmed three invited speakers: Frank Farris (Santa Clara University, MAA speaker), John Rogness (University of Minnesota), Susanna Epp (Depaul). MSOE has reserved rooms, and are finding nominees for the local teaching awards. Hotel and catering accomodations are also in progress.
4. Kristi gave an update on the bylaws. We need to bring one more version of the bylaws to the Section in April due to a concern raised by the Board of Governors. The phrase "annual section dues and/or" was removed from Article 5, Section 1 of the bylaws approved by the section in April of 2010.
5. Andy presented the Governor's Report (electronic report available soon). The main concern is the budget, but the board was assured that the MAA is solvent. The greatest increase in expenses for the MAA was in IT, especially in updating online resources for members.
6. Andy initiated a conversation on the Section Officers Meeting at Joint Meetings in January. The MAA is trying to make the meetings more efficient.
7. Laura Schmidt gave the report on student contests. The contest has passed to the new host at Viterbo.
8. Ben reported on the newsletter. Items for the newsletter should be submitted to Ben by October 7. The board agreed to remove the blank for "address" and the blank for "position" on the speaker application for the spring meeting.
9. Ben also reported on Know your Wisconsin Mathematician. Stars has been chosen for both the fall and spring newsletters! Ben would like suggestions for our fall 2012 newsletter, and particularly welcomes those containing the phrase, "and I'll do the interview."
10. Ken and Steve gave the report on student activities. Face Off continues to be a great success!
11. The Section Teaching Award was discussed under Ben's report on the newsletter.
12. Irfan was unable to attend. Wisconsin Project NExT is having their fall workshop in late October. We need a new director for Wisconsin NExT soon!
13. Jennifer Kosiak was unable attend, so no WMC report was given.
14. Nominees for Chair Elect will be solicited by board members.
15. Expiring terms: Irfan and Mark. Irfan would like to step down as WI-NExT coordinator, and Mark would like to step down as well. Laura is willing to continue in her present position.
16. For the record: Laura is in her third year as contest coordinator, Steve and Ken are in their 7th year as Student Activities Coordinator, Irfan is in his 6th year as WI-NExT coordinator, Ben is in his 6th year as Newsletter Editor/PR Officer, and Mark is in his 6th year as Secretary/Treasurer. All offices are on three-year terms, except for Newsletter Editor/PR Officer which is on a five-year term.
17. The 2012 section meeting will be held at MSOE. The next Executive Board meeting will be on January 13, 2012, at 4:00.
18. Please nominate people for the Section Teaching Award by November 5, 2011.
19. The location of the January meeting was discussed. Western Technical College was suggested as an alternate location. Laura will check into this possibility.
20. The meeting adjourned at 5:51. Dinner at a local restaurant followed.