Executive Committee Meeting
Wisconsin Section of the MAA
January 13, 2012
Executive Board Listserve: maawisconsin@lists.carthage.edu
Present: Clare Hemmenway, Benjamin Collins, Kristen Lampe, James Swensen, Jennifer Kosiak (via Skype), Laura Schmidt, Ken Price, Steve Szydlik, Kirthi Premadasa, Andy Matchett.
- The meeting was called to order at 4:03pm, with Kristi Lampe serving as temporary secretary.
- Minutes from the Executive Committee Meeting held Sept. 23, 2011 approved.
- Treasurer’s report was reviewed and accepted.
- Spring 2013 meeting: UW-Marshfield will be April 6,7. Kavita Bhatia is the site coordinator.
- Spring 2012 meeting update given by James Swenson. Details of the meeting were discussed. The invited speakers are as in the fall meeting minutes.
- Bylaws update given by Kristen Lampe. Notice will be given in the spring newsletter and a vote will take place at the spring meeting.
- Governor’s Report given by Andy Matchett. At the Joint Meetings, the MAA discussed ways to increase revenues. Dues for non-electronic memberships and student dues will be going up. Once again, there is no MAA travel money available for MathFest.
- Student Contest report given by Laura Schmidt.
- Newsletter reports are due to Ben Collins by February 3, 2012.
- The Wisconsin Mathematician will be interviewed by Mark Snavely. A name was chosen for the Fall 2012 newsletter.
- Writing the history of the Wisconsin Section: Ben Collins, Sri, and Andy plan to form a committee with others to collect documentary evidence. Old newsletters, pictures, documents will be requested at the spring meeting. The title for this project will be The Wisconsin History of Mathematics Project (WHoMP).
- Distinguished Teaching Award: There were no nominations this year. Ben suggested changing the deadline from Nov. 1 to the deadline for talk submissions for the spring meeting (typically mid-March), and that the winner will be nominated for the Haimo award the following year. James moved and Ken seconded to change the date. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
- Ken Price and Steve Szydlik reported on student activities.
- Kirthi Premadasa was introduced as the new Wisconsin Project NExT director – welcome Kirthi! He then reported on Project NExT Wisconsin activities. He is working with Irfan to transition the director position and has several ideas for the spring meeting workshop. He also shared ideas regarding regular communication beyond the workshop structure.
- Jennifer Kosiak will be advertising the Spring Meeting and the Mathfest in the WMC newsletter. She talked about the WI State Mathematics Initiative.
- Clare Hemmenway has several names to explore for Chair Elect.
- Expiring Executive Positions: Jon Kane will be running for Treasurer as Mark Snavely retires.
- The meeting was adjourned at 5:48.
- The next meeting will be briefly after the business meeting in the spring.
Respectfully submitted with thanks to Kristi,
Mark Snavely,