Executive Committee Meeting
Wisconsin Section of the MAA
January 28, 2011

Executive Board Listserve: maawisconsin@lists.carthage.edu

Present: Ben Collins, Clare Hemenway, Jon Kane, Kristen Lampe, Ken Price, Mark Snavely, Laura Schmidt, Steve Szydlik, Irfan Ul-Haq, Bob Wilson.

1. The meeting was called to order at 4:08 by Kristen Lampe. Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of September 24, 2010, were approved.

2. The treasurer's report, presented by Mark, was accepted as presented. Mark also mentioned the idea of using Paypal to collect online payments, and the response was positive.

3. Clare gave the report on the Spring Meeting at UW Stout in Menomonie, WI. We have 16 contributed talks as of now, which is a good number. Details of the meeting were discussed.

4. By-Law Changes: The MAA has our changes, and is reviewing them. The procedure for soliciting feedback from the section and for bringing the changes to the Business Meeting were discussed.

5. Jon Kane presented the Governor's Report.

6. Jon Kane gave the report from the Section Officer's Meeting. The biggest issue is the national MAA budget. While the organization is sound financially, some short-term issues are being addressed. The MAA also wants to host section websites. Ben is in contact with the MAA on this issue.

7. We discussed potential candidates for chair-elect.

8. Laura Schmidt gave the student contests report.

9. Ben Collins reported on the newsletter. He would like items for the spring newsletter by February 4.

10. Know your Wisconsin Mathematician. We have a new tradition for choosing our Wisconsin Mathematician - the outgoing Governor! Congratulations Jon.

11. Distinguished teaching, Mark Snavely. We have a winner!

12. Ken Price and Steve Szydlik reported on student activities.

13. Irfan Ul-Haq gave the report for Wisconsin NExT. The fall workshop was a great success. Irfan would like to step down as Wisconsin NExT Coordinator, so interested people should contact Irfan directly.

14. Jennifer was unable to attend for WMC, but gave her report via e-mail. The annual conference will be May 4-6 in Green Lake, WI. The theme of the conference is "Priorities, Connections, and Coherence" with a focus on examining the newly adopted Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. The conference website is http://wismath.org/annual_conference.html There are also scholarships available for pre-service elementary and high school math teachers as well as outstanding high school students who wish to pursue mathematics education. The scholarship information can be found at http://wismath.org/awards_scholarships.html.

15. We will elect a new Governor this spring - please vote!

16. For the record: Laura is in her second year as contest coordinator, Steve and Ken are in their 6th year as Student Activities Coordinator, Irfan is in his 5th year as WI-NExT coordinator, Ben is in his 5th year as Newsletter Editor/PR Officer, and Mark is in his 5th year as Secretary/Treasurer. All offices are on three-year terms, except for Newsletter Editor/PR Officer which is on a five-year term. Steve and Ken are finishing terms in April, as is Ben. Ben has agreed to continue, as have Ken and Steve. Both will receive 15% raises. Thank you so much for your service to the section!

17. The meeting adjourned at 5:58.

18. Dinner followed the meeting at a local restaurant.

19. Next meeting: A brief meeting after the Section Business Meeting on Saturday, April 30, 2011, at UW Stount in Menomonie.

Respectfully submitted,

Mark Snavely,