Section NExT-Wisconsin is a local version of the national New
Experiences in Teaching program sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America and funded by the ExxonMobil
Education Program.
The mission of the program is to support new and recent Ph.D.s in their roles as mathematics faculty members, particularly through fostering and enhancing high-quality teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics.
Regardless of whether or not you participated in national Project NExT, you are invited to participate in Section NExT-Wisconsin.
Memberships in the two programs are independent.
Section NExT-Wisconsin is open to all full-time faculty members in mathematics departments across Wisconsin who have an earned doctorate and are within their first six years of undergraduate teaching (after the doctorate). If you would like to participate, please contact the current director below.
Current Director:
Niles Armstrong, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Milwaukee School of Engineering
armstrongn at