Cookeville, Tennessee is on Central Time.

Cookeville has a population of 31,010 (as of 2012) and is located in Putnam County. Tennessee Tech University has an enrollment of 9,542 (Full-Time Equivalent) students and a headcount of 11,768 (one per student).

The Tennessee Tech mascot, Awesome Eagle, was the champion in the open mascot division of the 2014 Universal Cheerleaders Association competition. We feel sure that your visit to TTU will result in a positive slope for your awesomeness.

Tennessee Tech University is a tobacco-free campus. Accordingly, smoking is not permitted inside or outside anywhere on the grounds. The only exception is inside one’s personal car. If this restriction causes a problem, there are two possible remedies: A. Walk two blocks north and cross 12th Street to get off campus, then puff away to your lung’s content, or B. Consider switching your affiliation to the Rocky Mountain Section

Be sure to print out your parking sticker from the Section meeting web page: http://sections.maa.org/southeastern/maase/conference2014/MAA-SE_2014_Parking_Permit.pdf

Gasoline in Cookeville is usually at least 10 cents cheaper than in Nashville, Knoxville, or Chattanooga. You may practice thriftiness by planning accordingly.

Did we mention that Cookeville is on CENTRAL TIME?

Cookeville is the home of Rich Froning, winner of the “Fittest Man on Earth” competition at the CrossFit Games in 2011, 2012, and 2013. Please don’t fail to be impressed.

The current football coach at Tennessee Tech is Cookeville native Watson Brown. He and his brother Mack Brown, who recently stepped down as the coach at the University of Texas, hold the record for the most coaching victories by brothers in Division I history, nosing out the Dooley brothers in 2013.

As you approach Cookeville, you might notice a gigantic cross erected near Exit 287 on Interstate 40 by a local church. In a disappointing lack of duality, the city of Crossville, 30 miles east, does not have a gigantic cook by the interstate.

Tennessee Tech boasts the first Division I female NCAA champions. The NCAA was originally a men’s sports organization, with the women’s sports governed by the AIAW until 1981. However, the Tennessee Tech rifle team won the first of their three consecutive NCAA national championships in 1980 with two women on the squad.

That’s right, you guessed it. Cookeville is on Central Time. We’re looking forward to your visit.