
campus parking map:

campus map:

Parking for Thursday Afternoon Arrivals and Project NExT Participants:

For those of you who arrive on Thursday afternoon and for all Project NExT participants, please check in at the Registration table in the Brackett Hall vestibule located in the southwest corner of the second floor. You will receive an "Event Parking" pass for Thursday. This pass will be good for Thursday afternoon and evening. It will allow you to park on Williamson Road and in Parking Lot C-7. Williamson Road is the street that runs on the east side of the football stadium, and C-7 is the parking lot just to the north of the football stadium. You will also be issued a second parking pass for Friday and Saturday. This second pass will allow you to park on Williamson Road and in Parking Lot C-7 on Friday and any spot with green or orange lines on Saturday.


Parking for Participants in the Math Treasure Hunt

For those of you who arrive on Thursday evening for the Math Treasure Hunt, please check in at the Registration table in the Brackett Hall vestibule located in the southwest corner of the second floor. You will receive an "Event Parking" pass for Thursday. This pass will be good for Thursday afternoon and evening. It will allow you to park on Williamson Road and in Parking Lot C-7. Williamson Road is the street that runs on the east side of the football stadium, and C-7 is the parking lot just to the north of the football stadium. You will also be issued a second parking pass for Friday and Saturday. This second pass will allow you to park on Williamson Road and in Parking Lot C-7 on Friday and any parking spot on campus with green or orange lines on Saturday.


Parking for Meeting Participants Who Arrive on Friday or Saturday 

For those of you who arrive on Friday or Saturday, please check in at the Registration table in the Brackett Hall vestibule located in the southwest corner of the second floor. You will receive an "Event Parking" pass for Friday and Saturday. This parking pass will be one of two types. The first type (while supplies last) will allow you to park on Williamson Road and in Parking Lot C-7 on Friday. Williamson Road is the street that runs on the east side of the football stadium, and C-7 is the parking lot just to the north of the football stadium. This same pass will allow you to park in any spot on campus with green or orange lines on Saturday. The second type will allow you to park on the Avenue of Champions, which is the street that runs on the north side of the football stadium, or in Lot C-9, which is the parking lot just to the east of Littlejohn Coliseum. The second type of parking pass allows you to park in those places on both Friday and Saturday.