Many thanks to those members who have made a voluntary dues contribution to the section along with your Spring Meeting Registration!
Although the section has found itself in good financial health in recent years, additional funds are always needed in order to pursue special initiatives suggested by the membership. A voluntary section dues contribution from you now can help build up funds in support of such initiatives!
To submit your dues, simply return the coupon below with a check for any amount you wish — every little bit will help, and all contributors will receive a letter acknowledging the contribution for their financial records.

MAA Rocky Mountain Section Voluntary Dues Contribution Form
Please indicate in the space provided , by dollar or by proportion, how you would like your dues to be used:
Undergraduate Student Initiatives
Graduate Student Initiatives
Burton W. Jones DTA Fund
Early Career Teaching Award
Section Activity Grant Program
Wherever needed most
TOTAL DUES PAID ($10 recommended)

Please make check payable to the MAA Rocky Mountain Section and return to the Section Treasurer.