Students: Please join us at the Rocky Mountain Section Meeting in April. Enjoy these great activities!

Free lunch and games session on Friday April 21.

When you arrive at the conference, there is a free student lunch and board games session (pizza for most; allergen friendly food available, especially if you email me with specific allergies). Please come and join us! Please direct student lunch questions to Beth Schaubroeck.

Give a talk!

This conference is a great place to give a talk to fellow students and faculty members. Prepare your talk and sign up to present in a student session! Please direct questions to Beth Schaubroeck.

This is Jeopardy!

Everyone loved Jeopardy so much last year that we're going to continue it this year! Get together a team of 4-5 students from your school; or sign up to be put on an "inter-school" team. There is a limited number of teams; they will be entered in the competition on a first-come, first-served basis. There is also a limit of 5 students on the inter-school team, so register early! Register by emailing Beth Schaubroeck.