PNW Project NExT Meeting Schedule

University of Puget Sound

Wheelock Student Center, Board Room

March 31st & April 1st, 2005


Thursday March 31st


7:00 pm Dinner/Soiree


8:00-9:00pm      Discussion:


Scot Leavit (Portland Community College)

Ann Sitomer (Portland Community College)


Friday April 1st


8:00am Registration/Coffee


8:15am Greeting and Introduction of New Fellows


8:30am            Session 1: Conceptual Hooks and Cool Applied Problems for use in    

                                        Undergraduate Courses

John Bardsley (University of Montana)

Mark Kayll (Univerisy of Montana)

Matt Roscoe (University of Montana)


John Bardsley (University of Montana)


9:30am Coffee Social


10:00am            Session 2:  My Involvement with a MSP Grant and Other Opportunities

     for New Faculty

Julie Fredericks (Linfield College)


10:30am            Session 3: Using Writing Assignments in Mathematics Courses

Bryan Smith(University of Puget Sound)

John Bean (Seattle University)


Chris Black (Seattle University)


11:30am            Lunch


1:00pm              Session 4: Panel on Expository Writing

                        Keith Devlin (Stanford University)

                        Frank Farris (Santa Clara University)

                        Jennifer Quinn (Occidental College?)


                        Nancy Neudauer (Pacific University)


2:00pm  Session 5: What's NexT?


Jenny McNulty (The University of Montana)


2:30pm              Project NExT Meeting Adjourns, MAA Minicourses begin at 2:45pm


5:30-7pm            Dinner at Katie Downs