PNW Project NExT Schedule

Portland State University

Portland, OR


Wednesday, June 19, 2002


Final Schedule:

All sessions will take place in the Smith Memorial Center* (SMC) on the Portland State University Campus. (travel info, map1, map2)

·         10 - 11 Coffee Social

·         11:00 - 11:15 Greeting and Introduction of New Fellows

·         11:15 - 12:00  Session 1: Advising

·         12:00 -12:45  Session 2: Mathematics Students in the New Century:  Are they fundamentally different than we were?

·         12:45 - 2:30 Lunch: walk to McMenamins

·         2:30 - 4:00 Session 3:  Working with Pre-Service and In-Service Mathematics Teachers.(Joint NExT-TOTOM Lecture)

·         4:00 - 4:20 Coffee Break

·         4:20 - 4:45 Session 4: Tips on Talks

·         4:45 - 5:30 Session 5: Introduction to Proofs Course

·         5:30 - 5:50  Session 6: What's NExT?

·         6:30 Dinner for New Faculty: BridgePort Brew Pub


* The joint NExT-TOTOm lecture will be in SMC room 238, all other session with be in room 328.


Details on the sessions appear below; more information will be posted as it becomes available.

Session 1

Panel Discussion: Advising

Organizers: Jennifer Firkins (Linfield College) and Maria Fung (Western

Oregon University)

Panelists: Martha Van Cleave (Linfield College), Mike Ward (Western Oregon

University), Jenny McNulty (The University of Montana)

Abstract:   As faculty members we take an active part in advising students. This

process can be beneficial for the recuitment and retention of mathematics

majors. We will discuss ways to facilitate advising, advising different

populations of mathematics students (e.g. pre-service teachers), and the

possible pitfalls of advising.

Session 2

Discussion: Mathematics Students in the New Century:  Are they

fundamentally different than we were?

Organizers: Andria Villines (Bellevue Community College), Doug Hundley

(Whitman College)

Panelists: Gavin Bjork (Portland State University, Michael Boardman (Pacific

Univeristy), Steve Johnson (Seattle Pacific University), Tina Straley

(Executive Director, MAA)

Abstract:  College students that are coming in now may be totally

different than we expect- for example, there is a lot of experimental

curriculum and standardized testing in high schools, and people are going

to school that traditionally may not have. If it is true, what kinds of

experiences will they have, and how will that impact our teaching?

Session 3

Lecture: Working with Pre-Service and In-Service Mathematics Teachers

 (Joint NExT-TOTOM Lecture)

Speakers: Laurie Burton (Western Oregon University), Mike Shaughnessy

(Portland State University), Sandy Kralovec (The Math Learning Center)

Abstract:  The presenters will discuss current professional requirements

and responsibilities for Middle School mathematics teachers, outline the

national recommendations for appropriate course content for these teachers,

discuss the need for appropriate educational programs for these teachers

and give specific examples of effective courses and programs for both

pre-service and in-service Middle School mathematics teachers.

Session 4

Presentation: Tips on Talks

Presenter: Ken Ross (University of Oregon)

Abstract:  The presentation "Tips on Talks"  will be relevant to short

talks at meetings, colloquium talks, and talks on job interviews.

Time permitting, the audience will be asked "What's the best and worst

kinds of talks you've heard?"

Session 5

Panel Discussion: Introduction to Proofs Course

Organizer: Mike Hitchman (Albertson College)

Panelists: Stuart Boserma (Central Washington University), John Krussel

(Lewis & Clark College), Jen Firkins (Linfield College)

Abstract: How do students make the jump from solving Calculus exercises to

writing careful mathematical proofs?  Can an Introduction-to-Proofs course

help students make this transition?  Three experienced faculty will offer

their perspectives and strategies for helping students transition from

Calculus student to math major.    

Session 6

Discussion: What's NExT?

Moderator: Jenny McNulty (The University of Montana)

Abstact: This final session is intended to help us look back over the days

activities and decide on future directions and planning for subsequent

meetings. This year we will also talk about NExT plans for Alaska in 2004.
