2016 PNW
Section NExT Schedule March
31 & April 1, 2016
State University
Corvallis, OR
p.m. Informal Gathering: McMenimans on Monroe
- upstairs
Friday Willamette
Seminar Room
a.m. Registration/Coffee
a.m. Greeting and Introduction of
New Fellows
8:10 a.m. Session 1: Alternative Methods of
a.m. Coffee Social
9:40 a.m. Session 2: Preparing your file
for Tenure or Promotion
a.m. Session 3:
a.m. BREAK
11:10 a.m. Session 4: Teaching an Active Curriculum: Helping Students Constructively
Persevere Through the Problem Solving Process
p.m. Lunch: Market Place West
(We have a room reserved.)
1:30 p.m. Session 5: Experiences in POGIL-ish
p.m. Session 6: What’s NExT?
p.m. Project NExT Meeting
Adjourns. (MAA Minicourses begin at 3:00 p.m.)
p.m. Dinner: Big
River (We have a reservation.)
p.m. Evening Public Lecture: David
Pengelley – LINC 128
2015 PNW Section
NExT Abstracts
Session 1
Presentation: Alternative Methods of Assessment
Organizer: John Foster (Walla Walla University)
Abstract: Traditionally, an instructor assesses students'
understanding by reading their written responses to a sample of exam questions,
but the disadvantages of this system have lead some to explore alternative
forms of assessment. We will share our experiences with oral exams and
mastery grading and reflect on how well these have helped us to meet our
teaching goals.
Speakers: John Foster (Walla Walla University), Carolyn James
(University of Portland), A. J. Stewart (Seattle University)
Session 2
Panel Discussion: Preparing your file for Tenure or Promotion
Organizers: Christine Cole (Seattle University) and Hans
Nordstrom (University of Portland)
Abstract: While specific expectations for tenure and promotion will be
different depending on the institution where we teach, many of us will apply
for promotion or tenure at some point during our career. In this session,
we will hear from panelists who have successfully navigated the tenure and
promotion process. We will also hear about the process from the other
side, from panelists who have served on promotion committees, or have mentored
junior faculty preparing for promotion. In the first part of this session,
panelists will share their own experience with the tenure and promotion
process, and in the second part, the floor will be opened to questions,
comments, contributions from the audience.
Panelists: Chris Black (Central
Washington University), Stuart Boersma (Central
Washington University), Holly Swisher (Oregon State University), Amy Yielding (Eastern Oregon University)
The bridge between two year and four year.
Jen Townsend (Bellevue College)
Abstract: Who are your transfer students? What is their
background in mathematics? How can you help them succeed? A look at the
students that transfers from two year to four year schools, and a discussion of
1)how we can better prepare them in the 2-year system
and 2)how we can better support them in the 4-year system.
Jen Townsend (Bellevue College)
Teaching an Active Curriculum: Helping Students Constructively Persevere
Through the Problem Solving Process
Organizer: Stuart Boesrma (Central Washington University)
Abstract: The concept of
teaching an active curriculum may be new to recently appointed mathematics
faculty members. Central to the concept of teaching an active curriculum, is
the idea of constructive perseverance, which leverages struggle to facilitate
the learning process. In this session, participants will explore the idea of
constructive perseverance by examining curricular materials that provide
opportunities for student struggle, and discuss different approaches that
faculty members can take to ensure that students constructively persevere
through this struggle and embrace the problem solving process.
Speaker: Frank Savina (The Charles A Dana Center)
Session 5: Presentation: Experiences in POGIL-ish Calculus
Organizer: Kate Kearney (Gonzaga University)
Abstract: Dr. Coufal and Dr. Shultis have been experimenting
over the last year with teaching Calculus through guided workshops inspired by
the POGIL method (Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning). They will
share a sample workshop, discuss what their methods were, and discuss some of
their successes and struggles over the last year.
Speakers: Vesta Coufal (Gonzaga University), Katharine
Shultis (Gonzaga University)