PNW Project NExT

by Jenny McNulty, Chair

Project NExT New Experiences in Teaching) is a professional development program for new college-level faculty interested in "improving the teaching and learning of undergraduate mathematics." The national program, sponsored by the MAA and the Exxon Education Foundation, was instituted in 1994 and provides workshops and an electronic network for its members. (For more information on the national program see http ://archives.math. The PNW Project NExT is an extension of the national program to the sectional level. For more information on the PNW NExT section see and for more information on Section NExT's see http://www.mathcs.nebrwesleyan. edu/pnext/sections


The PNW NExT program is designed for new mathematics faculty who have an interest in teaching. Applicants meeting the following criteria are encouraged to apply.


Workshops for PNW NExT Fellows will be begin on June 15. Fellows will then attend the sectional MAA meeting on June 16 &17. During the year PNW Fellows and consultants will be linked together by an electronic network on which discussions can continue. Fellows are expected to participate in the PNW NExT meeting the following year and to interact with the new group of Fellows.


Approximately 12 Fellows will be selected each year. Funding for lodging and registration for the first meeting will be provided. Institutions employing Fellows are expected to provide financial assistance for all other expenses associated with the two meetings. The level of this support should be addressed in the chair's letter.

Application Procedures

Applications should include the application form (available at ), brief teaching and scholarly activity statements, a vita, and a letter of support from one's chair (or other supervisor). The deadline for application is April 26, 2000. Send three copies of the application packet to Jenny McNulty
Department of Mathematical Sciences
The University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812-0864

For inquires you may use US mail,
electronic mail:
or telephone 406-243-2473.

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Last updated 2 July, 2000