Archibald James Macintyre
A.J. Macintyre, a native of Sheffield, England, was educated through secondary school in
Sheffield. He went up to Magdalene College, Cambridge in 1926 where he was awarded
the Davidson Prize in Mathematics in 1928. Sir Edward Collingwood of Cambridge
supervised his research on integral and meromorphic functions and he continued this
research after leaving Cambridge and while lecturing at Swansea University College in
Wales and Sheffield University. Macintyre received his Cambridge Ph.D. in 1933 and was
appointed Lecturer in Mathematics at King's College, Aberdeen (later Aberdeen
University) in 1936. He was appointed a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in
1946 and became Research Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cincinnati in
1959, and Charles Phelps Taft Professor of Mathematics in 1963.
Macintyre was married
to a fellow mathematician (and student of Dame Mary Cartwright and E.M. Wright),
Sheila Scott
(1910-1960) of Edinburgh, who shared research interests with her husband
and was a Lecturer at Aberdeen University and the University of Cincinnati (see [MLC],
[FF] for tributes to Sheila Scott Macintyre).
A.J. Macintyre was a member of the
Cambridge Philosophical Society; he made significant contributions to complex function
theory and had wide and deep interests in classical analysis and applied mathematics,
including mechanical problems of aircraft control, the design of sailing ships and resonance
of nonlinear oscillations. More on Macintyre can be found in [Br].
[Br] N.A. Brown, "Professor A.J. Macintyre, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.E.", in Mathematical
Essays Dedicated to A.J. Macintyre, (H. Shankar, Ed.), Ohio University Press, Athens,
Ohio, 1970.
[MLC] M.L. Cartwright, "Sheila Scott Macintyre", Journal of the London Mathematical
Society {36}(1961), 254-256.
[FF] F. Fasanelli, "Sheila Scott Macintyre (1910-1960)", in Women in Mathematics, L.
Grinstein and P. Campbell, Eds., Greenwood Press, New York, 1987.
Article by Charles Groetsch
University of Cincinnati