NOTE:   This version of the By-Laws of the Ohio Section of the Mathematical Association of America was approved on 11 August 2004 by the National Board of Governors at its summer meeting in Providence, RI.  This revision was written by the By-Laws Subcommittee:  D J Horwath & J William Friel.






Name and Purpose

1. The name of this Section shall be "The Ohio Section of the Mathematical Association of America", hereinafter referred to as The Section.

2. The purpose of The Section shall be to further the development and understanding of, and instruction in, the mathematical sciences by carrying out the purposes of the national organization within the territory defined below in Article II, section 1.a.



1. The membership of The Section shall be as follows:

a. Members of The Mathematical Association of America, residing in the State of Ohio or in the County of Cabell in the State of West Virginia, zip codes 43001-45899 or 25700-25799.

b. Members of The Mathematical Association of America, not being resident in the territory of this Section, who have become members of this Section in accordance with Article VI of the By-Laws of the Mathematical Association of America.



1. The officers of The Section shall be a President, a Past-President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, a Secretary-Elect (when this office is filled),  a Treasurer, a Treasurer-Elect (when this office is filled),   and a Section Governor.

2. Each Section officer must be a member of the Mathematical Association of America,  and of The Section.

3. The term of office of the President-Elect shall be one year. At the end of this term, the President-Elect shall become President. A President-Elect shall be elected each year at the Annual Meeting of The Section and shall assume office upon the adjournment of that Annual Meeting.

4. The term of office of the President shall be one year, beginning with the end of the term as President-Elect.

5. The term of office of the Past-President shall be one year, beginning with the end of the term as President.

6. The term of office of the Secretary-Elect shall be one year.  At the end of this term, the Secretary-Elect shall become Secretary. A Secretary-Elect shall be elected at the Annual Meeting one year prior to the completion of the term of  the Secretary  and shall assume office upon adjournment of that Annual Meeting.

 7. The term of office of  the Treasurer-Elect shall be one year.   At the end of this term, the Treasurer-Elect shall become Treasurer.  A Treasurer-Elect shall be elected at the Annual Meeting one year prior to the completion of the term of the Treasurer and shall assume office upon adjournment of  that  Annual Meeting.   To  effect a staggering of offices, the first Treasurer-Elect  shall  be elected one year after the first Secretary-Elect. Also if necessary, the  Executive Committee may appoint an Interim Secretary or an Interim Treasurer to facilitate this staggering of offices.

8. The term of office of the Secretary shall be three years, beginning with the end of the term as Secretary-Elect.

9. The term of office of the Treasurer shall be three years,  beginning with the end of the term as Treasurer-Elect.

10. Elections to offices shall be held at the Annual Meeting. The list of candidates nominated by the Nominating Committee may be augmented by nominations made and seconded from the floor. All elections shall be by simple majority vote of those members of The Section present and voting.

11. Except as provided in Article III,  Section 12, no one who has served as President for a term of at least six months shall be eligible for election as President-Elect or for appointment as President-Elect or President until at least four years have elapsed since the last membership on the Executive Committee resulting from election to the post of President-Elect or President as the case may be.

12. If an office becomes vacant between Annual Meetings, the procedure shall be as follows:

a. Past-President.  The most  recent  past-president who is available for appointment shall be recalled to the office.

b. President. The President-Elect shall succeed to the office and shall serve the remainder of the term and through the succeeding term. The Executive Committee shall appoint an additional member to the Executive Committee (not as President-Elect) to serve until the next Annual Meeting.

c. President-Elect. The Executive Committee shall appoint an additional member to the Executive Committee (not as President-Elect) to serve until the next Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall in this case nominate a candidate for President to stand for election at the next Annual Meeting.

d. Secretary-Elect. This office shall remain vacant until the next Annual Meeting at which time a Secretary-Elect  would be elected as provided for in Article III, Section 6.. The Nominating Committee shall nominate a candidate for Secretary  to stand for election at the next Annual Meeting.

e. Treasurer-Elect. This office shall remain vacant  until  the next Annual Meeting at which time a Treasurer-Elect would be elected as provided for in Article III, Section 7. The  Nominating Committee shall nominate a candidate for  Treasurer to stand for election at the next Annual  Meeting.

f. Secretary. If there is a Secretary-Elect, the Secretary-Elect shall succeed to the office of Secretary and shall serve the remainder of the term and through the succeeding term. If there is no Secretary-Elect, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Secretary to serve until the next Annual Meeting. The Nominating Committee shall, in this case, nominate a candidate for Secretary to stand for election at the next Annual Meeting, this election to be for a full term of three years.

g. Treasurer. If there is a Treasurer-Elect, the Treasurer-Elect shall succeed to the office of   Treasurer and shall serve the remainder of the term and  through the succeeding term. If there is no  Treasurer-Elect, the Executive Committee shall appoint  a Treasurer to serve until the next Annual Meeting. The  Nominating Committee shall, in this case, nominate a candidate for   Treasurer to stand for election at the next Annual  Meeting, this election to be for a full term of three years.

h. Chair of the Program Committee. The member of the Program Committee next in line to become Chair shall assume that office and shall hold it to the end of the term to which the member was elected.

i. Other Members of the Program Committee. The Nominating Committee shall  nominate candidates for membership on the Program Committee to fill the vacancies for the remainder of the respective terms. Members elected to fill vacancies shall succeed to the Chair in the third year of the regular term, the unexpired  portion of which they are completing, except in the case in which the office of Chair of the Program Committee is filled under the provisions of Article III, Section 10, h.

13. The President shall be the chief executive officer of The Section, presiding at all business meetings of The Section and of the Executive Committee, shall appoint all committees except those whose memberships are provided for in these By-Laws (unless otherwise directed by The Section), and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.

14. The Secretary shall perform the following duties: 1) keep all the minutes of meetings of The Section, 2) circulate preliminary announcements of Annual Meetings and announcements of all other meetings of The Section,  3)  prepare and submit the annual report of the section activity to the National  MAA,  and 4)  perform any other duties which may be assigned by the Executive Committee.

15.  The Treasurer shall perform the following duties: 1)  keep all the financial records of The Section,  2) receive all  monies paid to The Section for membership dues and fees and for all  other purposes and shall deposit such monies in a federally insured account of The Section,  3) pay all bills of The Section out of The  Section funds.  4) prepare and submit the annual report of the section's financial activity to the National MAA, and 5) perform any other duties which may be assigned by the Executive Committee.

16. The Past-President shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall perform such other duties as may be delegated or assigned by the President.

17. The President-Elect shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall prepare to assume the duties and responsibilities of the Office of the President.

18. The Secretary-Elect shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall prepare to assume the duties and responsibilities of the office of Secretary.

19. The Treasurer-Elect shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall prepare to assume the duties and responsibilities of  the office of Treasurer.

20. The President of The Section shall appoint, for terms of appropriate length, members of The Section to such offices as are necessary for the execution of the Section's business, e.g., newsletter editor, public information officer, and the representative to the Ohio Mathematics Association for Two-Year Colleges.



1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers of The Section, the Chairs of the Program Committee, the Committee on Section Activities, the Committee on Curriculum, the Committee on Teacher Education and  Licensure and the Committee on Student Members. The President of The Section shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee.

2. Duties of the Executive Committee:

a. The Executive Committee shall transact the business of The Section between the Annual Meetings of The Section and shall report its actions to The Section at the next Annual Meeting. In case of a special meeting of The Section, the Executive Committee shall submit an interim report of its actions since the last meeting of The Section. Interim reports will be included in the report submitted at the next Annual Meeting.

b. The Executive Committee shall formulate plans and policies for the consideration of The Section in meeting assembled. In making such formulations, it shall take into account any and all suggestions which it may receive from members of The Section. In addition, the Executive Committee shall fix the dues and fees as described in Article VI. In particular, it shall formulate and present at the Annual Meeting a budget to finance the operations of  The Section for the year following the Annual Meeting.

c. With the aid of the Program Committee, the Executive Committee shall have the responsibility of organizing the Annual Meeting and all other meetings. At its discretion, the Executive Committee may delegate this responsibility or any part of it to sub-committees which the President may appoint from the membership of The Section.

3. The Program Committee shall consist of three members of The Mathematical Association of America, who are also members of The Section, one elected each year by the Section at its Annual Meeting to serve for a term of three years and to act as Chair of the Program Committee during the third year of the term. The newly elected member of the Program Committee shall take office upon the adjournment of the Annual Meeting at which the member is elected.

4. The Program Committee shall arrange, in cooperation with the Executive Committee, suitable programs for presentation at the Annual Meetings and other meetings of The Section.

5. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the three most recent past presidents of The Section who are members of The Section and are available for membership on the Nominating Committee, and who are not the Past-President. The most recent past president on the Nominating Committee shall be Chair of the Nominating Committee.

6. The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one candidate for the office of President-Elect each year, at least one candidate for membership on the Program Committee each year, and at least one candidate for the office of Secretary-Elect one year prior to the expiration of the term of office of the Secretary  (The Secretary may be nominated as Secretary-Elect.),  and at least one  candidate for the office of Treasurer-Elect one year prior  to the expiration of the term of office of the Treasurer. (The Treasurer may be nominated as  Treasurer-Elect.)  It shall also nominate candidates to fill vacancies in accordance with the provisions of Article III, Section 12. The report of the Nominating Committee shall be included in the written notification sent to members of the Annual Meeting at which the elections will be held. (Cf. Article V, section 5.)

7. The officers of The Section shall nominate at least two candidates for the office of Section Governor during the final year of the term of the incumbent Section Governor.

8. The Committee on Section Activities (CONSACT) shall consist of a chair and various members of The Section appointed by the President of The Section for staggered three-year terms. Its duties shall consist of such activities of The Section as are charged to it by the President of The Section.

9. The Committee on Curriculum (CONCUR) shall consist of a chair and various members of The Section appointed by the President of The Section for staggered three-year terms. Its duties shall consist of ongoing studies of   undergraduate  mathematics curriculum and such other related matters as may be charged to it by the President of The Section.

10. The Committee on Teacher Education and  Licensure  (CONTEAL)  shall consist of a chair and various members of The Section appointed by the President of The Section for staggered three-year terms. Its duties shall consist of continual study of teacher training and   licensure  in the state, reporting same to The Section, preparing recommendations for appropriate state authorities, and such other related matters as are charged to it by the President of The Section.

11. The Committee on Student Members  ( CONSTUM )  shall consist of a chair and various members of The Section appointed by the President of The Section for staggered three-year terms. Its duties shall consist of directing and coordinating all activities of The Section which are specifically for student members of The Section, e.g., enrolling students as members of The Association, organizing and supporting student chapters, and organizing student paper sessions as meetings of The Section. The chair of the committee will serve as the Section Coordinator for Student Chapters.



1. The Section shall hold one regular meeting (called the Annual Meeting) each year.

2. The time and place of the Annual Meeting shall be determined by the Executive Committee.

3. The programs for all meetings shall be arranged by the Program Committee.

4. The Executive Committee shall call such special meetings as it deems necessary or expedient. It shall fix the time and place of such special meetings.

5. The members of The Section shall be notified in writing of any regular or special meeting at least ten days in advance of the meeting. If there is to be an election held, the report of the Nominating Committee will be included in the written announcement of the meeting.

6. A quorum shall consist of those members of The Section present  at  a  properly called meeting.


Finances and Use of Assets

1. A registration fee in an amount fixed by the Executive Committee will be paid by each person in attendance at section meetings. Students shall be exempt from paying this fee. 

2. The Executive Committee is authorized to establish voluntary annual dues for members to be paid to the   Treasurer.

3. The Treasurer is authorized to accept financial contributions from individuals and organizations. Such contributions must be used in accordance with Article I, Section 2, of these By-Laws. Any individual or organization providing such support shall be designated as a Contributor to the Ohio Section.

4. A Life Payment of Fees option shall be available to any member of The Section who satisfies a minimum age requirement set by the Executive Committee and completes payment of a single sum in an amount fixed by the Executive Committee. Such an individual shall be designated as a Life Member of the Ohio Section and shall be exempt from paying dues and registration fees.

5. The assets of The Section shall be used exclusively to further the purposes of The Section, and in the event of the dissolution of The Section, the remaining assets shall be returned to the national organization to be used for a purpose consistent with the purpose of the national organization.



1. These By-Laws may be amended, subject to the approval of the Board of Governors of The Mathematical Association of America, in the following manner:

a. Amendments may be proposed by the Executive Committee or by the written endorsement of at least ten members of The Section.

b. Proposed amendments will be distributed to the membership of The Section not less than ten days prior to the next meeting of The Section, and opportunity for discussion of the proposed amendment will be provided for in the program of the meeting.

c. The proposed amendment with any modifications adopted by a majority of those present and voting at the meeting referred to in b above shall be circulated together with a ballot for a mail vote in the next regular mailing or in an earlier mailing if so directed at the meeting by the Executive Committee. Instructions will be included to inform the membership of the deadline for reception of ballots, such deadline to be not less than one month from the date of mailing.

d. The proposed amendment will become an amendment approved by members of The Section provided at least 55 percent of the ballots returned by the deadline specified so affirm.

e. When an amendment has been approved by the members of The Section, it must be submitted to the Committee on Sections for its recommendation to The Board of Governors.

2. A complete revision of this set of By-Laws will be subject to the same procedure as that for amending this set.