Ohio Section

of the

Mathematical Association of America


Coming Section Events

Section Governance

Other Meetings and Conferences

Other Items of Interest

All members of the MAA who reside in Ohio or Cabell County (Huntington) West Virginia are automatically members of the Section, and each receives the Section newsletter. There are no additional dues. A modest registration fee is charged at Section meetings (waived for students), and nonmembers are welcome.

Send items for the Section newsletter and web pages to Thomas Hern, hern@math.bgsu.edu, Deadline for the Fall issue is August 31, 1997. Please send items as soon as possible so that they may be placed on the web site.

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Maintained by Thomas Hern, at Bowling Green State University, Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Address comments and suggestions to hern@math.bgsu.edu.

$Date: 1997/07/01 20:56:23 $