Appendix F


* Denotes retiring Chairman
# Denotes Teaching Award Recipient
F Denotes Fall Meeting
1916 R. B. Allen*
Kenyon C.
"Hypercomplex Number Systems"
1917 T. M. Focke*
Case School Appl. Sci.
"A Geometrical Presentation of Taylor's
1918 Forbes B. Wiley*
Denison U.
"An Experiment with Co-ordinates"
1919 C. N. Moore*
U. of Cincinnati
"The Role of Mathematics in World Progress"
1920 R. L. Borger*
Ohio U.
"Some Geometric Methods for Curve Tracing"
1921 Samuel E. Rasor*
Ohio State U.
"Functions and Functionals"
1922 M. Gugle
Columbus Public Schools
"The High School-College Problem"

D. L. Holl
Ohio State U.
"The Mathematical Justification of a Fundamental
Postulate of the Theory of Relativity"

B. F. Yanney*
C. of Wooster
"Some Aspects of the Mathematical Situation in
1923 H. L. Coar*
Marietta C.
"Freshman Mathematics in the Liberal Arts
1924 W. E. Anderson*
Miami U.
"Some Methods of Creating and Maintaining
Interest in Mathematics"

E. E. Lincoln
Western Electric Co.
"Business Statistics"
1925 Harris Hancock*
U. of Cincinnati
"A Notion Which Includes That of Divisibility"
1926 R. D. Bohannan*
Ohio State U.
"Alphabetic Symbolism Applied to Some
Operations on Power Series"
1927 H. W. Kuhn*
Ohio State U.
"Galois Fields and Permutation Groups"

H. W. Sibert
U. of Cincinnati
"A New Type of Singular Solution"
1928 C. H. Yeaton*
Oberlin C.
"The Construction of the Tangent to Certain
1929 E. H. Clarke*
Hiram C.
"Problem Solving and Mathematical Progress"

A. F. Petersilge
Shaker Heights Pub. Sch.
"Elementary and Secondary Mathematics Essential
for Success in College Mathematics"
1930 G. Y. Rainich
U. of Michigan
"Linear Vector Functions, their Applications
and Generalizations"

S. A. Rowland*
Ohio Wesleyan U.
"The Solutions of a System of Linear Homogeneous
Differential Equations with Laurent Coefficients"
1931 W. G. Simon*
Western Reserve U.
"Some Doubts About the Content of Elementary
Courses in Calculus"
1932 W. D. Cairns*
Oberlin C.
"An Undergraduate Course Leading to the Study
of Wave Mechanics"

E. S. Loomis
Baldwin-Wallace C.
"A Trihedron and its Genesis"

C. L. Weaver
Kent State U.
"A Proof of the Rule for Evaluating an
Indeterminate Form"
1933 H. T. Davis
Indiana U.
"The Predictable Element in Economic Series"

O. L. Distheimer*
Baldwin-Wallace C.
"Applied Mathematics in a Liberal Arts College"
1934 I. A. Barnett*
U. of Cincinnati
"Some Suggestions for the Improvement of the
Teaching of Mathematics"

K. P. Williams
Indiana U.
"The Problem of Professional Training"
1935 H. Blumberg*
Ohio State U.
"On the Change of Form"

E. J. Moulton
Northwestern U.
"The Training and Utilization of Advanced
Students of Mathematics"

B. O. Skinner
Ohio Dept. of Ed.
"On the Teaching of Mathematics in the
Secondary Schools"

G. Szegö
Washington U.
"Some Recent Applications of Sturm's
Oscillation Method"
1936 J. Pierce*
Heidelberg C.
"Solutions of Systems of Linear Differential
Equations in the Vicinity of Singular Points"
1937 J. H. Weaver*
Ohio State U.
"A Generalization of the Circles of Apollonius
and Some Resulting Properties"
1938 O. E. Brown*
Case School Appl. Sci.
"The Application of Determinants and Projective
Transformations to Nomography"

K. Menger
Notre Dame U.
"The Foundations of Projective and Affine
1939 G. A. Bliss
U. of Chicago
"The Hamilton-Jacobi Theory in the Calculus
of Variations and its Sources"

C. O. Williamson*
C. of Wooster
"Why I Teach Mathematics"
1940 E. Artin
Indiana U.
"Introduction of Coordinates in Affine Geometry"

W. Dancer*
U. of Toledo
"Fundamental Concepts in Undergraduate
1941 G. A. Miller
U. of Illinois
"Mathematical Statements in the History
of Mathematics"

J. R. Musselman*
Western Reserve U.
"Aerial Photogrammetry"
1942 Louis Brand*
U. of Cincinnati
"Non-Metric Differential Invariants"

Lester R. Ford
Illinois Inst. of Tech.
"A Million Ways to Solve Equations"
1943 C. T. Bumer*
Kenyon C.
"The Pre-Meterological Training Program:
An Experiment and A Challenge"
1944 Tibor Radó*
Ohio State U.
"On Triangulation"
1946 J. B. Brandeberry*
U. of Toledo
"Imaginary Branches of Real Curves"

F. D. Murnaghan
Johns Hopkins U.
"The Teaching of College Mathematics"
1947 Tibor Radó*
Ohio State U.
"Intuition in Mathematics"

S. A. Rowland*
Ohio Wesleyan U.
"The Association's Interest in Pre-College
1948 M. Hall, Jr.
Ohio State U.
"Prospects in Projective Geometry"

H. S. Pollard*
Miami U.
"The Mathematics Major"
1949 R. H. Marquis*
Ohio U.
"Some Current Questions in the Administration
of College Mathematics"

E. J. Mickle
Ohio State U.
"Some Questions in Metric Geometry"
1950 E. Baiade
U. of Pisa
"Some Modern Italian Mathematicians"

E. P. Vance*
Oberlin C.
"A Different Approach to the Study of Circular
1951 A. Schild
Carnegie Inst. Tech.
"Interactions of Modern Mathematics and
Modern Physics"

V. C. Stechschulte*
Xavier U.
"Some Mathematics in Seismology"
1952 L. I. Davis
"Some Mathematical Problems Encountered
in Research and Development Work"

R. F. Rinehart*
Case Inst. Tech.
"Functions of Matrices"
1953 Hanry B. Mann
Ohio State U.
"Combinatorial Problems"

Earl F. Mickle*
Ohio State U.
"Mappings and Measure"
1954 P. R. Rider*
Wright-Patterson A.F.B.
"Statistical Distributions"

G. deB. Robinson
U. of Toronto
"The Place of Algebra and Geometry in
the Undergraduate Curriculum"
1955 R. R. Stoll
Oberlin C.
"Characteristics of Determinant

W. R. Transue*
Kenyon C.
"Approaches to Measure and Integration"
1956 H. E. Grime
Cleveland Pub. Sch.
"Some Current Problems of Teachers of
Mathematics in Elementary and Secondary Schools"

Ernst Snapper
Miami U.
"The Geometric Method in Modern Algebra"

R. R. Stoll*
Oberlin C.
"Sperner's Lemma"
1957 A. Church
Princeton U.
"Synthesis of Electric Circuits as a Problem
in Mathematical Logic"

Paul V. Reichelderfer*
Ohio State U.
"On the Geometrical Meaning of a Derivative"
1958 N. Lazar
Ohio State U.
"Critique on the Preparation of Elementary and
Secondary School Teachers of Mathematics"

E. R. Ranucci
Newark State C.
"Report from the Commission on Mathematics of
the College Entrance Board"

J. Laurie Snell
Dartmouth C.
"The New Dartmouth Mathematics Curriculum"
1959 G. Blanch
Wright-Patterson A.F.B.
"Review of Basic Concepts in
Approximation Theory"

L. E. Bush*
Kent State U.
"Some Problems in Teacher Training and

R. J. Nelson
Case Inst. Tech.
"The Impact of the Electronic Computer
on the Mathematics Curriculum"

D. Ransom Whitney
Ohio State U.
"The Role of a Statistics Laboratory
on a College Campus"
1960 S. N. Gupta
Wayne State U.
"A Procedure for Optimizing a Function
Involving Uncertain Parameters"

W. R. VanVoorhis*
Fenn C.
"The Impact of Modern Mathematics Upon
College Teachers"
1961 Wade Ellis*
Oberlin C.
"On Boolean Algebras"

Charles Saltzer
U. of Cincinnati
"Computers and Automata"
1963 W. G. Johnson*
Hiram C.
"Topological Representations of Certain
Boolean Algebras"

Arnold E. Ross
U. of Notre Dame
"An Intractable Minimum Problem in
Diophantine Approximation"
1964 R. H. Bing
U. of Wisconsin

C. E. Capel*
Miami U.
"Concrescence, Concinnity, and Concatenation"
1965 Andrew Sterrett*
Denison U.
"The Negative Binomial Distribution for Testing
Certain Hypotheses"

R. L. Wilder
U. of Michigan
"The Axiomatic Method"
1966 W. T. Fishback*
Ohio U.
"The High Costs of Trying"

M. Henriksen
Case Inst. Tech.
"Matrices Over Rings in Which Finitely
Generated Ideals are Principal"
1967 H. David Lipsich*
U. of Cincinnati
"Some New Directions for the Ohio Section"

J. Mycielski
Case Inst. Tech.
"Topics in Mathematical Logic"
F67 Richard D. Anderson
Louisiana State U.
"A Brief Survey of CUPM Activities"

Donald W. Bushaw
Washington State U.
"Preparation for Graduate Study in

W. Prenowitz
Brooklyn C.
"Preparation for Graduate Study in

G. Bailey Price
U. of Kansas
"A General Curriculum in Mathematics
for Colleges"

A. Rosenberg
Cornell U.
"The CUPM Qualification Report"

G. L. Weiss
Washington U.
"Preparation for Graduate Study in

Hans J. Zassenhaus
Ohio State U.
"Preparation for Graduate Study in
1968 E. Engeler
U. of Minnesota
"Language as a Part of Mathematics:
Part 1, Model Theory;
Part 2, Symbol Manipulation"

Daniel T. Finkbeiner*
Kenyon C.
"The Mergences of Mathematics"
1969 Ralph P. Boas
Northwestern U.
"COSRIMS: Findings and Recommendations
of the Graduate Panel"

Peter J. Hilton
Cornell U.
"COSRIMS: Problems of Implementation
of Recommendations"

Henry O. Pollack
Bell Telephone Labs
"COSRIMS: Findings and Recommendations
of the Undergraduate Panel"

Arnold E. Ross*
Ohio State U.
"Graduate Training in Mathematics: Some
Dilemmas of a Practicing Educator"
1970 A. F. Bartholomay
Med. C. of Ohio-Toledo
"The Role of Mathematics in Biology
and Medicine"

James L. Smith*
Muskingum C.
"Swingin 60's - 70's"

W. Sternberg
U. of Minnesota
"Calculus and the Computer I: A Very Short
Course in Computing;
II: The Role of the
Computer in the CRICISAM Calculus Course"
1971 Victor Klee
U. of Washington
"Convex Sets in Geometry and Analysis"

Ben Noble
Oberlin C.
"Applications of Undergraduate Mathematics"

B. J. Yozwiak*
Youngstown State U.
"What You Always Wanted to Know About
Summability, But Were Not Interested
Enough to Ask"
F71 J. Simons
SUNY, Stonybrook
"Current and Future State of the Art
(of Differential Geometry)"

J. A. Thorpe
SUNY, Stonybrook
"History of Differential Geometry"

A. T. Vasquez
"Integration of Differential Geometry
Into the Undergraduate Curriculum"
1972 Elwood Bohn*
Miami U.
"Convex Functions, Some Generalizations
and Applications"

Samuel Goldberg
Oberlin C.
"Probability Models in the Social Sciences"

B. E. Rhoades
Indiana U.
"Mathematics Programs at Two-Year
Colleges - something for Everyone"
F72 Harold D. Brown
Ohio State U.
"Applications of Graph Theory to
Classification of Organic Molecules"

M. Gerstenhaber
U. of Pennsylvania
"The Delaware River: a Case History
in the Use and Abuse of Models"

Robert J. Herbold
Proctor & Gamble Co.
"Mathematics in Managerial Science"

Murray S. Klamkin
Ford Motor Co.
"Mathematics in Industry"
1973 Kenneth Cummins
Kent State U.
"A Transformational Approach to Geometry"

Harley Flanders
Editor, A.M.M.
"Some Mathematical Aspects of Electrical
Circuit Theory"

Will Hahn*
Wittenberg U.
"The Retread Problem"

Andrew Sterrett, Jr.
Denison U.
"Recent Activities of CUPM"
F73 Ralph P. Boas
Pres., MAA
"Consequences of Continuity"

E. L. Glazer
Case Western Reserve U.
"Some Possible Effects of the Computing
Art on the Teaching of Mathematics"

W. T. Morris
Ohio State U.
"Probability and Real Decision Making"
1974 M. D. Plummer
Vanderbilt U.
"Non-trivial Applications of Graph Theory"

Henry O. Pollak
Bell Telephone Labs
"A Loop Switching Problem"

S. E. Payne
Miami U.
"On Finite Moore Graphs"

K. D. Ray-Chaudhuri
Ohio State U.
"Graphs and Geometries"
F74 G. Noether
U. of Cincinnati
"How to Make Statistics Interesting"

J. Rosenblatt
Case-Western Reserve U.
"Introducing Operations Research in the
Undergraduate Curriculum"

Gerald L. Thompson
Carnegie Mellon U.
"Operations Research - The State of the Art"
1975 William J. Cody
Argonne Nat'l Lab.
"Computer Evaluation of Functions"

George Fix
U. of Michigan
"Numerical Approximation for Data Driven
Ocean Circulation Models"

A. B. Willcox
Exec. Dir., MAA
"Some Bridges to and from Mathematics"
F75 Edwin E. Moise
"The Problem of Learning to Teach"
1976 Richard G. Laatsch*
Miami U.
"Scrambled Infinite Dimensional Convex Eggs"

E. B. Saff
U. of South Florida
"Geometric Convergence of Rational Functions
to Analytic Functions in Unbounded Domains"

Hans J. Zassenhaus
Ohio State U.
"A tribute to Arnold E. Ross on
his Retirement"
F76 Fred S. Roberts
Rutgers U.
"Graphs, Garbage, and a Pollution Solution: Graph
Theory Applied to Environmental Problems"

Maynard Thompson
Indiana U.
"Discrete Mathematical Models for Some
Problems Arising in Biology and Medicine"
1977 C. W. Curtiss
U. of Oregon
"A Survey of Recent Developments in the
Representation Theory of finite Groups"

D. R. Hughes
U. of London
"Designs and Some of Their Connections to
Other Branches of Mathematics"
F77 Richerd C. DiPrima
Rensselaer Poly. Inst.
"Differential Equations in the Undergraduate

Alan C. Tucker
SUNY, Stonybrook
"Graph Models in a Combinational Problem -
Solving Course"
1978 P. Minton
Va. Commonwealth U.
"Bidding Models-An Example of Applied

Neil J. A. Sloane
Bell Telephone Labs
"At the Intersection of Computer Science,
Communications Theory, and Modern Algebra"
F78 William S. Dorn
U. of Denver
"Numerical Instabilities and Their Cure"

Richard S. Varga
Kent State U.
"Numerical Analysis - The State of the Art"
1979 Peter J. Hilton
Case-Western Reserve U.
"The Development of Algebraic Topology - A
Study in Evolution"

V. Frederick Rickey
Bowling Green State U.
"History of Mathematics as a Pedagogical
F79 D. L. Bernstein
Brown U.
"Mathematical Modeling an Existence Theorems"

Yung Chen Lu
Ohio State U.
"Catastrophe Theory"
1980 Donald O. Koehler*
Miami U.
"Evolution and Mathematical Models
of Evolution"

J. Sutherland Frame
Michigan State U.
"Groups - A Key to Patterns in Science"
F80 George E. Andrews
Penn. State U.
"Recent Implications of the Work of
L.J. Rogers"

D. K. Ray-Chaudhuri
Ohio State U.
"An Introduction to Coding Theory"
1981 Ralph P. Boas
Northwestern U.
"The Harmonic Series and the Elephants"

Cliff Long*
Bowling Green State U.
"Singular Value Decomposition of
Matrices with Applications"
F81 H. T. Banks
Brown U.
"Parameter Estimation and Optimal Control
in Delay and Partial Differential Equations"

Philip M. Tuchinsky
Ford Motor Co.
"How I Do My Job - Systems Development"
1982 Douglas Faires*
Youngstown State U.
"Models of Population"

R. G. Laatsch
Miami U.
"Polyominoes-Pleasurable Places for
Preception and Perplexing Packing Puzzles"

Marcia Sward
Trinity C.
"New Initiatives in Pre-College Mathematics
F82 Hans Zassenhaus
Ohio State U.
"Mathematicians of Pre-World War II Germany"

J. M. Greenberg
Ohio State U.
"What is Applied Mathematics? What is Applied
Mathematics Education"

S. Nemer
Off Budget & Mgmt.
"The Process of Revenue Estimating for State
Budget Purposes"

W. C. Rheinboldt
U. of Pittsburgh
"On the Discretization Error for Parameterized
Non-Linear Equations"

D. P. Roselle
Virginia Tech. Inst.
"A Sampling of Applied Combinatorial Problems"
1983 N. Azarnia
Miami U.-Hamilton
"The Contributions of Anna Johnson Pell

Darrell Horwath*
John Caroll U.
"How to Keep Students Awake: Some Tricks
of the Trade"

D. Lutzer
Miami U.
"Topology, Proofs and CUPM's Mathematical
Sciences Program Recommendations"

Maynard Thompson
Indiana U.
"Mathematical Modeling: When, Why, and for
F83 A. Lazer
U. of Miami
"Intermediate Value Theorems and Differential

James R. C. and Joan R. Leitzel
Ohio State U.
"Mathematical Education in Mainland China"

Kenneth Meyer
U. of Cincinnati
"Stability of Trojan Satellites"

C. Robinson
Northwestern U.
"In Search of Stability in a Complex
1984 Peter Henrici
U. of North Carolina
and E.T.H., Zürich
"Recent Progress in Numerical Conformal

Richard Little*
Baldwin-Wallace C.
"Some Things My Mathematics Professors
Never Taught Me"

V. Frederick Rickey
Bowling Green State U.
"Curves of Calculus"

Richard Varga
Kent State U.
"Some Conjectures and Open Problems in
Function Theory and Approximation"
F84 D. Burke
Miami U.
"Undecidable Mathematics"

Mary Gray
American U.
"Mathematics and the Law"

L. Sanders
Miami U.-Hamilton
"Characterizing Trees by a Finite
Sequence of Integers"

Phil Schmidt
U. of Akron
"Teaching Experimental Applied
Mathematics: The TEAM Project"

Lynn Steen
St. Olaf C.
"Renewing Undergraduate Mathematics"
1985 I. Greber
Case-Western Reserve U.
"Engineering Needs and the College
Mathematics Core"

Phil Huneke
Ohio State U.
"The Embeddability of Graphs"

James R. C. Leitzel*
Ohio State U.
"Three P's for Teaching Mathematics"

P. Wang
Kent State U.
"Symbolic Computation on Modern
F85 Turner Whitted
U. of North Carolina
"Causes and Cures of Aliasing in
Computer Graphics"

D. E. Cameron
U. of Akron
"Memoirs on compact Topological Spaces by
P. S. Alexandroff and P. W. Urysohn -
The Birth of Soviet Topology"

Alan H. Schoenfeld
U. of California-Berkeley
"The Reality of Student Problem Solving
Behavior - It's Worse Than You Think"
1986 Alan Poorman*
Ashland C.
"Quality Control in the U.S."

Peter Hilton
"From Elementary Geometry to Not So Elementary
Number Theory: The Final Story."
(This is the title of the talk actually given.)

Arthur T. White
Western Michigan U.
"Ringing the Cosets"
F86 Persi Diaconis
Stanford U.
"Combinatorics and Card Tricks"

Joe Diestel
Kent State U.
"Rosenthal's Dichotomy"

Leonard Gillman
U. of Texas
"Approval Voting"
1987 Milton D. Cox*
Miami U.
"The Remarkable Tilings of Roger Penrose"

Herbert S. Wilf
U. of Pennsylvania
"Strings, Substrings, and the
Nearest Integer Function"

Warren Page
N.Y.C. Technical C.
"The Mathematical Competition in Modeling"
F87 Frank R. Giordano
U.S. Military Acad.
"The Teaching and Practicing of
Mathematical Modeling for Undergraduates"

Kenneth Cummins
Kent State U.
"Using the Students in Teaching Calculus"

Deborah Tepper Haimo
U. of Missouri-St. Louis
"Solutions of the Heat Equation"
1988 J. William Friel*
U. of Dayton
"Farey Fractions"

George F. Andrews
Penn State U.
"Dyson's Crank of a Partition"

P. Campbell
Beloit C.
"Mathematical Discoveries of the 1980's
in Applied Mathematics"
F88 H. Edwards
N.Y.U.-Courant Inst.
"Kronecker's Views of the Foundations
of Mathematics"

William Dunham
Hanover C.
"Vito Volterra and the Limits of

Joe Gallian
U. of Minnesota-Duluth
"The Mathematics of Identification Numbers"
1989 Charles Hampton*
College of Wooster
"Calculus: Past, Present and Future"

Gerald Alexanderson
Santa Clara U.
"Gaussion Binomial Coefficients"
F89 David E. Kullman
Miami U.
"What Colleges Should Do About the
New NCTM Standards"

Ivan Niven
U. of Oregon
"Applied Topics in College Algebra"
1990 Olaf P. Stackelberg*
Kent State U.
"Number Theory and Probability:
A Rich Interplay"

J. W. Dawson, Jr.
Penn State U.-York
"The Life and Work of Kurt Gödel"

B. A. Case
Florida State U.
"Are We Teaching Majors the Right Mathematics?
Are We Teaching it the Right Way?"
F90 Peter E Castro
Eastman Kodak Co.
"Industrial Mathematics: More Than
Applied Mathematics"

Eugene C Gartland
Kent State U.
"Numerical Solution of Problems
in Liquid Crystals"

Philip M Tuchinsky
Ford Motor Co.
1991 Janet Roll*
U. of Findlay
"On Circles and Doughnuts
(or Locally Partially Ordered Groups)"

Harvey Keynes
U. of Minnesota
"Can Mathematicians be Involved in Education
and Still Survive in the Profession?"
F91 Richard Varga
Kent State U.
"Solving Large Nonsymmetric Nonsingular
Matrix Equations by Iterative Methods"
1992 John Ewing
Indiana U.
"Can We See the Mandelbrot Set?"

James R. C. Leitzel
Ohio State U.
"Challenges to Change"

David E. Kullman*
Miami U.
"Variations on a Spiral"
F92 David S. Moore
Purdue U.
"Teaching Statistics as a Respectable Subject"

James Albert
Bowling Green State U.
"Teaching Statistical Inference Using Bayes"
1993 Alan Stickney*
Wittenberg U.
"A Graphing Calculator Tour"

Gerald Porter
U. of Pennsylvania
"Linear Algebra as a Laboratory Science"
F93 Stan Wagon
Macalester C.
"The Impact of Modern Software on
Teaching and Research"

Charles Groetsch
U. of Cincinnati
"Inverse Problems: What are They and
Why Should We Care?"

V. Frederick Rickey
Bowling Green State U,
"Benjamin Franklin Finkel and the
Founding of The Monthly"

David Smith
Duke U.
"Calculus, Computers, Cooperation,
and Composition"
1994 S. Brent Morris
National Security Agency
"Magic Tricks, Card Shuffling, and
Dynamic Computer Memories"

Joe Kennedy
Miami U.
"Lights and Strings and Things"

Alice Silverberg
Ohio State U.
"Fermat's Last Theorem and Elliptic Curves"

Thomas Hern*
Bowling Green State U.
"The Image of a Circle: When Eigenvalues
Do Not Quite Cut It"
F94 Keith Devlin
St. Mary's C of Cal.
"Whither Mathematics, and What It Means
For The Math Professor"

Daniel Solow
Case Western Reserve U.
"What Should Students Learn from Advanced
Mathematics and How Should We Teach Them?"

Richard Lesh
Ed. Testing Service and NSF
"Equity , Content Quality, and Systemic

Ed Dubinsky
Purdue U.
"Connections Among Learning, Pedagogy
and Assessment"
1995 Grahame Bennett
Indiana U.
"From Coin Tossing to the Jacobi Polynomials,
and Beyond"

Floyd Barger*
Youngstown State U,
"TBA Part I, Part II"

Philip Cheifetz
Nassau CC
"A Brief History of Calculus Reform
and The Harvard Calculus Project
F95 Underwood Dudley
DePauw U.
"Formulas for Primes"
"Angle Trisectors"

Dale Mugler#
U. of Akron
"The Gibbs Phenomenon"

Walter Mientka
U. of Nebraska
"The 1994/1995 IMOs--A Serentipity Victory??"
"Approximations to Arithmetic Sums and
Their Applications"
1996 David Bressoud
Macalester C.
"The Search for Proof:
I. Cauchy, Dirichlet, and Abel in Paris
II. The Counting of Alternative Sign Matrices"

Robert Smith
Miami U.
"Spreadsheets in Calculus"

John Michel*
Marietta C.
"Navigating to the Center of Ohio and
to the Moons of Jupiter"
F96 Ed Barbeau
U. of Toronto
"A Nonlinear Recursion Spawned by
a Frieze Pattern"

Aparna Higgins#
U. of Dayton
"Unexpected Results from Undergraduate
1997 Laszlo Babai
U. of Chicago
"Surprise Methods in Combinatorics
and in the Theory of Computing"

Barbara (Flajnik) Ashton*
Wittenberg U.
"The Mathematics of Frank Lloyd
Wright's Architecture"

Gabor Szekeley
Bowling Green State U.
"Reminiscences of Paul Erdos"

Allan Rossman
Dickinson C.
"Workshop Statistics: Learning
by Discovery"
F97 Marjorie Senechal
Smith C.
"The Aperiodic Zoo"
"The Search for an Aperiodic Tile"

Jerry Holt, Dean
Shawnee State U.
"[Branch] Rickey and Robinson
by the Numbers"

V. Frederick Rickey#
Bowling Green State U.
"A Mathematician, Historian, and Teacher
Shares his Thoughts, Experiences, and
Advice About Mathematics"

1998 Frank Morgan
Williams C.
"The Soap Bubble Geometry Contest"
"Bubbles and Crystals in Surfaces
and in a Sphere"

Curtis Bennett
Bowling Green State U.
"An Escher Version of the Banach-Tarski

Leo J. Schneider*
John Carroll U.
"A Funny Thing Happened on the
Way to the Formula"
F98 David Stone
Georgia Southern U.
"Mathematics is a Lazy Man's Sport"

Douglas Faires#
Youngstown State U.
"Designing a Modern Applied
Mathematics Program"

Susan Gantner
American Assoc. for Higher Ed.
"A Study of the Effects of Calculus Reform"
1999 Ronald L. Graham
AT&T Labs Research
"Mathematics and Computers: Recent Success
and Insurmountable Challenges

Roger Marty*
Cleveland State U.
"Teaching Mathematical Reasoning"
F99 Thomas Banchoff
Brown U.
"Interactive Geometry on the Internet"

William Dunham
Muhlenberg C.
"Euler's Sums and Euler's Crumbs

Gilbert Strang
Mass. Inst of Tech.
"Small World Networks and
Partly Random Graphs"
2000 Mel Slugbate (Colin Adams)
Slugbate and Mossbutter
Real Estate
"Real Estate in Hyperbolic Space:
Investment Opportunities for the
Next Mellennium"

Aparna Higgins*
U. of Dayton
"Questions about Networks:
Stories about Networking"

Colin Adams
Williams C.
"Making Calculus Fun:
How to Entertain at Parties"
F00 Robert L. Devaney
Boston U.
"The Mandelbrot Set, the Farey Tree,
and the Fibonacci Sequence"

James Tattersall
Providence C.
I. "Two Books that Spanned a Millennium"
II." Mathematical Vignettes from Cambridge."

Zaven Karian#
Denison U.
"Using Maple for Teaching Probability and
2001 Arthur Benjamin
Harvey Mudd C.
I. "Proofs That Really Count!"
II. "Mathemagics!"

Judith Palagallo*
U. of Akron
"Random Fractal Images"

V, Frederick Rickey
U.S. Military Acad.
I. "The Palimpset of Archimedes"
II. "History of Mathematics as
a Pedagogical Tool"
F01 Ann Watkins
Cal. State, Northridge
I."Fallacies in Elementary Statistics"
II. "The MAA and Scholarship in the
Teaching of Mathematics

Jerry Moreno#
John Carroll U.
"Citizens Stats 101 - Toward a
Quantitively Literate Citizenry"

Edward B. Burger
Williams C.
I. "How to Always Win at Limbo"
II. "Personal Thoughts on What to Teach
and How Not to Teach it.
2002 Jeffrey Weeks "Measuring the Universe
"Part I: Curvature
"Part II: Topology"

Suzanne Lenhart
U. of Tenn.,
Oak Ridge Nat. Lab.
I. "Applications of Optimal Control to
Various Population Models"
II. "What Do Parallel Parking and
Lie Brackets Have in Common?"

Thomas Gantner*
U. of Dayton
"Mathematics Journals as a Teaching Resource"
F02 Underwood Dudley
DePauw U.
I. "Why Teach Mathematics?"
II. "Calculus Books"

Daniel E. Otero
Xavier U.
I. "Henry Briggs (1561-1630) and the Story of
II. "On Teaching Mathematics with Original Sources"

Alan Stickney#
Wittenberg U.
"Mathematics Viewed as a Experimental Science"
2003 Dan McWhorter
Nat. Security Agency
I. "Introductory Coding Theory"
II. "Mathematics at the National Security Agency"

Ravi Vakil
Stanford U.
I. "The Mathematics of Doodling"
II. "Why the Golden Mean?"

Harold Putt*
Ohio Northern U.
"Some Applications of Abstract Algebra"

Ann Ritchey
Mount Union C.
"Math Connections"
F03 Carl Cowen
Purdue U.
I. "Rearranging the Alternating Harmonic Series"
II. "Connections Between Mathematics and Biology"

David Minda#
U. of Cincinnati
"Some Geometric Gems via Moebius

Leo Schneider
John Carroll U.
"A Prime AIME Problem"

Jon Stadler
Capital U.
"Lights (Over and) Out"
2004 Joe Gallian
U. of Minnesota, Duluth
I. "Touring a Torus"
II. "Breaking Drivers' License Codes"

Judy Holdener
Kenyon C.
"Sagebrush, Turtles, and Snowflakes"

Dale Mugler*
U. of Akron
"Music and the Time-Frequency Analysis
of Wavelets"

J. Kevin Colligan
Nat. Security Agency
"Breaking the Enigma"
F04 James A. Sellers
Pennsylvania State U.
I. "Research in Integer Partitions - Alive and Well"
II. "More Than Just Convergence"

Thomas P. Dence#
Ashland U.
"Pattern Busters"

Elizabeth Wilmer
Oberlin C.
"Big Graphs, Fast Walks, Loose Bounds"

Edward Spitznagel
Washington U.
"Six Easy Pieces-or How I Came to be an
Applier of Mathematics, with Half a Dozen
Short Short Stories"
2005 Christopher N. Swanson
Ashland U.
I. "The Probability an Amazing Card Trick is Dull"
II. "The Discrete Mathematics of a Card Trick"

John P. Holcomb
Cleveland State U.
"Understanding Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics:
A Look at Why So Many People Find Statistics

Mark A. Smith*
Miami U.
"Arc Length and Surface Area -
What's Up with Calculus Text books?"

Daniel Maki
Indiana U.
"What are Hidden Markov Models and Who Cares?
F05 Ronald L. Graham
U. of California, San Diego
"Packing Discs in the Plane"

Thomas Hern#
Bowling Green State U.
"I Thought I was Lecturing"

Carol Schumacher
Kenyon C.
"Zeroing in on the Implicit Function Theorem"

Leo Schneider
John Carroll U.
I. "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the
II. "Undergraduate Research:
Planting the Seed and Watching it Grow"
2006 Georgia Benkart
U. of Wisconsin, Madison
I. "Going Up and Down"
II. "Ladies of the Rings"

Dwight Olson*
John Carroll U.
"Some Thoughts on Rings and Things"

Thomas Price
U. of Akron
"Developing an Undergraduate Research Program"

David Finn
Rose-Hulman Inst. of Tech.
"Bicycle Tracks on the Plane and the Sphere"
F06 David Singer#
Case-Western Reserve U.
"Focusing on the Critical Points of Polynomials"

Curtis Bennett
Loyola Marymount U.
I. "Understanding the Thurston Model of Hyperbolic Space"
II. "Averaging, Discrete Means, Coalition Building, and a
Paradox of Social Choice"

Bernd Sturmfels
U. of California, Berkeley
"The Joy of Solving Equations"
2007 Francis Edward Su
Harvey Mudd C.
I. "Preference Sets, Graphs, and
Voting in Agreeable Societies"
II. "My Favorite Math Fun Facts"

Daniel E. Otero
Xavier U.
"Euler, Number Theorist"

Judith Palagallo
U. of Akron
"Curious Curves"

Thomas P. Dence*
Ashland U.
"A Tantalizing Trek through Elementary Number Theory"
F07 Thomas Price#
U. of Akron
"Approximating Sums of Infinite Series"

Mihai Caragiu
Ohio Northern U.
"Geometry with Complex Numbers"

Frank Ryan I."Resolved, that a Football is a Mathematical Object"
II. "Mathematics and Truth"

Richard Little
Baldwin-Wallace C.
'Surviving the White Water Rapids at the Confluence of the
Mathematics Curricula for High School and College"
2008 William Higgins*#
Wittenberg U.
"Insights from Archimedes"

Lew Lefton
Georgia Tech
I. "Infinity Bottles of Beer on the Wall"
II. "Distributed Computing and the Internet"

Carl Pomerance
Dartmouth C.
I. "The Covering Congruences of Paul Erdos"
II. "Euler's Function"
F08 John Tynan
Marietta C.
"Answering One of Calculus' Most Boring Questions.
(Math with Cosmo)"

Susanna Epp
DePaul U.
"Linguistic Issues in College Mathematics Courses"

David Bressoud
Macalester C.
I. "Proofs and Confirmations: The Story of the
Alternating Sign Matrix Conjecture"
II. "Calculus as a High School Course"

Wiebke Diestelkamp
U. of Dayton
"On the Difficulty of Faking Data"
2009 V. Frederick Rickey
U.S. Military Academy
"Jared Mansfield: Ohio's First Mathematician"

Vickie Van Dresar*
Ashland U.
"Canoe Do Math?"

Keith Devlin
Stanford U.
I. "Street Mathematics: And What We Can Learn From It"
II. "When Mathematics Changed Us"

Sarah Greenwald
Appalachian State U.
"Good News Everyone! Mathematical Morsels
from The Simpsons and Futurama"
F09 Tom LaFramboise
Case Western Reserve U.
School of Medicine
"Mathematics in Biomedical Research"

Ed Packel
Lake Forest C.
"Recent Results in Projectile Motion and a Plug
for Experimental Mathematics"

Judith Grabiner
Pitzer C.
I. "It's All for the Best: Optimization in the History of Science"
II. "Lagrange, Symmetry, and Space"

Judy Holdener#
Kenyon C.
"Mental Imagery in Mathematics"
2010 Karen Parshall
U. of Virginia
"The Internationalization of Mathematics in a World of Nations:

John Oprea
Cleveland State U.
"Geometry and the Real World"

Ivars Peterson
Dir. Pub. & Comm.
I. "Moebius Madness"
II. "Newton's Clock: Chaos in the Solar System"

Mark Miller*
Marietta C.
"Generalizing Euclid V: In Search of the Unique Other"
F10 Michael Henle
Oberlin C.
"Can You Hear the Mathematics?"

Barbara Ashton
Bor. of Manhattan CC
"A Sampler of Topics from Mathematics and the Arts"

John Stillwell
U. of San Francisco
I. "Hits and Memories: 1940-1970"
II. "From Perspective Drawing to the Eighth Dimension"

Dave Sobecki
Miami U.
"Of Elephants, Fuzzy Dogs, and Teaching Backwards:
A Story About Making Your Course Engagin' "
2011 Jennifer Quinn
U. of Washington
"Combinatorialization of Linear Recurrences through
Weighted Tilings"

Gordon Swain
Ashland U.
"On Lines and Parabolas, Again and Again"

Douglas Ensley
Shippensburg U.
I. "Invariants under Group Actions to Amaze Your Friends!"
II. "Permutations in Graph Puzzles"

Don Hunt*
Ohio Northern U.
"Will it Go 'Round in Circles: Will it Ride Smoothly
on Bumpy Ground? (YEAH)"
F11 Richard Little#
Baldwin-Wallace C.
"How I escaped the Peter Principle!"

George K. Francis
U.of Illinois
"A Geometrical Puppetshow: Some things you really can't see
without computer graphics"

Sergei Tabachnikov
Penn. State U.
I. "In praise of serendipity: a tale of a geometric inequality"
II. "Flavors of Bicycle Mathematics"

Mark Meckes
Case Western Reserve U.
"5-dimensional geometry is not like 2-dimensional geometry
(and 3 and 4 are somewhere in between)"
2012 Aparna Higgins
U. of Dayton
"Simple Surprises"

Jeffrey Lagarias
U. of Michigan
"Packing Space with Regular Tetrahedra"

Rachel Hall
St. Joseph's U.
"Submajorization and the Geometry of Unordered Collections,
with Applications to Music and Welfare Economics"

Jon Stadler*
Capital U.
"Using Mathematics to Gain the Upper Hand
at Family Game Night"
F12 Matt Neal
Denison U.
"Ruining sports with math"

Tommy Ratliff
Wheaton C.
"Who has the Power in the Electoral College?
You might be Surprised"

Erica Flapan
Pomona C.
I. "Mirror image symmetry from different viewpoints"
II. "Topological symmetry groups"

David Meel#
Bowling Green State U.
"Mathematics in the media:
Leveraging explorations of higher level mathematics"
2013 Sir Randolph Bacon III
(Colin Adams
Williams U.)
"Blown Away:
What Knot To Do When Sailing"

Robert Bosch
Oberlin C.
"Opt Art"

Barbara Faires
Westminster C.
"Stefan Banach and the Scottish Cafe"

Wiebke Diestelkamp*
U. of Dayton
"The Lady Tasting Tea:
R. A. Fisher and the Statistical Revolution"