Program for Stevens Meeting

Abstracts and Announcements

9:00-9:30              Registration & Coffee

9:00-1:00              Book Exhibits

9:30-9:40              Welcome by Patrick Flanagan, Dean,

                            School of Applied Science and Liberal Arts, Stevens Institute of Technology

9:40-10:30            "Simpson's Rule with Constant Weights"

                           Roger Pinkham, Stevens Institute of Technology

                            Presider: Larry Levine, Stevens Institute of Technology

10:30-10:40           Remarks by Chair of MAA-NJ

                             Lawrence D'Antonio, Ramapo College of New Jersey

10:40-11:10             Intermission

11:10-11:15             Remarks by Governor of MAA-NJ

                              Theresa C. Michnowicz, New Jersey City University

11:15-12:05            "A Topological Comparison of Integration and Summation"

                              Sylvain Cappell, New York University

                              Presider: Emanuel Emanouilidis, Kean University

12:05-1:30               Lunch, Bissinger Room, 4th Floor of Stevens Center

1:30-2:20                "Innovative Experiments in Mathematics and Beyond...and how I survived them"

                              Edward Burger, Williams College and the University of Colorado at Boulder

                              Presider: Daniel Gross, Seton Hall University

2:20-2:30                 Intermission

2:30-3:20                "Angle Trisectors"

                              Underwood Dudley, Depauw University

                              Presider: Richard Riggs, New Jersey City University

3:20-3:45                 Drawing of Door Prizes and Announcement of Silent Auction Winners (Must be present to win)
5:00                        Dinner honoring invited speakers, see Announcements for details



Program Organizers:

Lawrence D'Antonio, Ramapo College of New Jersey; Theresa C. Michnowicz, New Jersey City University; Jean Lane, Union County College; Judith Lenk, Ocean County College; Naomi Shapiro, Georgian Court College


Program Committee:

Lawrence Levine, Betty Renz, James Orthmann, Dan Fletcher, Stevens Institute of Technology; Matthew Haines, Diana Thomas, New Jersey City University