

for the
Michigan Section
Mathematical Association of America

The Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America recognizes the late JANET ANDERSEN as the recipient of its 2006 Distinguished Service Award. We gratefully acknowledge the many contributions she made over the years, both to our section and to the larger mathematical community.

Janet tragically lost her life in an automobile accident on Thanksgiving Day, 2005. At that time she was serving as both the Four Year College Vice Chair of the Section and as chair of the Program Committee for the meeting at which this award is being made. The high quality of the work she did in those capacities is evident to all who have been part of this meeting. Janet also served as chair of the Local Organizing Committee for the 2001 Michigan Section meeting.

Janet gave generously of her time and talents to serve the MAA. In particular, she served on the Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (2004–2007), the Coordinating Council on Education (2003–2005), the Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics (1998–2001 as member, 2001–2004 as chair), the Committee on Short Courses (2005), and the CUPM subcommittee on Assessment Guidelines. In addition, Janet organized a PREP workshop (2003) and published a book with the MAA (2004).

Janet was active in the MAA’s Project NExT from its beginning. Her involvement began in 1995 when she made a presentation at the Project NExT summer workshop. For several years thereafter she was invited to return to serve on a panel that discussed “The faculty member as teacher and scholar” and to offer a short course on the use of projects in the teaching of precalculus. In 2004 Janet was the keynote speaker at the Project NExT workshop. She also participated in numerous Project NExT presentations at national meetings and served for many years as a Project NExT consultant.

Janet worked tirelessly at her own institution, Hope College. She served as chair of the Mathematics Department, as GEMS Coordinator (General Education in Mathematics & Science), and as Director of General Education before assuming the Directorship of the Pew Midstates Science and Mathematics Consortium in 2002. She was active in the Association for Women in Mathematics. At the time of her death she was pursuing her scholarly interest in mathematical biology and had developed a new course in that area.

In recognition of her life of service and the outstanding leadership she provided to the mathematical community, the Michigan Section gratefully presents its 2006 DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD to


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