Annual Meeting in May

Janet AndersenThe next meeting of the Michigan Section of the MAA and MichMATYC will take place May 5 and 6 at Calvin College in Grand Rapids. This year we intend to have on-line registration and submission of abstracts. We are also changing the format slightly. In addition to plenary addresses and contributed talks, we will also have 30 minute invited talks. The program will include talks and discussions on mathematics, the teaching of mathematics, applications of mathematics, and other issues of interest to members of the Section.

Speakers include:

Joan Birman, Research Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Barnard College of Columbia University.

Michael Moody, Dean of Faculty, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering

Carl Cowen, former MAA president and Dean, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis School of Science

Trachette Jackson, Associate Professor of Mathematics, University of Michigan

Dan Mulligan, Director of Detroit Project SEED, a nonprofit organization that works in partnership with school districts, universities and corporations with the goal of using mathematics to increase the educational options of urban youth.

In addition to talks by invited speakers, the program committee is planning sessions for contributed papers. Speaking at a contributed paper session is an excellent way to share the results of your work and to become better acquainted with your colleagues in Michigan. All members of the Section are encouraged to submit abstracts of papers to be presented in these sessions. Contributed papers may be on mathematical topics or may discuss curriculum or pedagogy. We also encourage student talks. For example, if you had students speaking at MUMC, consider having them also give a talk at the Section meeting. Students involved in the Mathematical Contest in Modeling may also wish to speak. Instructions for contributing abstracts are included in the "Call for Papers" on page 29.

The meeting is scheduled to run all day Friday and through noon on Saturday. There will be luncheons both days and a banquet Friday evening. As is our custom, the Section will present both a teaching award and a service award at the Friday banquet.

Janet Andersen, Four-Year College Vice Chair

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