The Section's current bank balance (as of October 1) is $5,487, compared to $4,386 at this time last year. This is normally the lowest point of the year, because it is before most the dues contributions come in. The Section has some support ($1,100) from the national MAA and occasional grants, but most of the Section's income is from the voluntary dues payments of the members. I would like to express my gratitude, on behalf of the Michigan Section, to those of you who have contributed.
Two major costs to the section are the printing and mailing of the Newsletter and the annual Section meeting in the spring. The Newsletter is an essential way of keeping Michigan mathematics faculty informed of all the mathematics-related events in the area. The Annual Meeting, which will be held at Calvin College next May, is a wonderful way for Michigan mathematicians to meet each other, hear and present talks, and stay connected to the local professional community. I urge everyone to join us next year at Calvin. The Michigan Section also provides some financial support to the Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference and to the Upper Peninsula Regional Meeting.
The dues contribution for an individual dues-paying membership is $15, or $30 (or more) for a sustaining membership. Dues-paying members pay no registration fee for the Annual Section Meeting. Institutional membership dues are $40 or $70, depending on the size of the institution. Institutional members will receive the end-of-year report from the Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition, and also have access to a data base of all MMPC Part II participants to aid in recruiting efforts. A dues form can be found on page 19.
If I can be of any help, drop me a line at
Nancy Colwell, Secretary/Treasurer
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