Congratulations to Jean and Richard Tapia

On the weekend of April 30 - May 1, 2005, Jean and Richard Tapia of Houston, Texas, debuted their 1970 Chevelle at the Pomona, California Super Chevy Show. The Pomona Show is traditionally the largest and most prestigious of the national Super Chevy Shows. This year the competition included over 500 fine cars. The Tapia Chevelle won the elite, invitation-only Gold Class Award and also won the Best of Show Award. As a result of this showing, the Tapia Chevelle will be featured in an article, including the cover shot, in a late summer or early fall issue of Super Chevy Magazine. That picture is on the cover of this Newsletter.

Richard gave a high-energy talk, "Math at Top Speed", at the Annual Meeting in Alma, reprising his presentation at the 2003 Joint Mathematics Meetings in Baltimore.

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