49th Annual MMPC

The 49th Annual MMPC is underway. Eddie Cheng (OU) is the Director of the 49th, 50th, and 51st MMPC. All information related to the MMPC is posted at the MMPC site, www.math.oakland.edu/MMPC/mmpc.html.

About 225 schools participated in Part I, which took place on Wednesday, October 5, and results have been tabulated. Part II is completed and invitations were extended to 1173 students to participate in Part II on Wednesday, December 7.

The exam committee of John Clifford (Chair, UM-Dearborn), Patrick Pan (SVSU), Akalu Tefera (GVSU), and Lazaros Kikas (UDM) worked very hard to prepare Part I and Part II.

Grading Day is Saturday, January 21 on the campus of Oakland University, located in Rochester.

Directions, problems, solutions, and assignments will be posted on our web site. Teams of 10 to 12 people will work on each of the five problems of Part II. This is our tentative schedule:

8:30 a.m. - 8:55 a.m. Welcome and Refreshments

9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Grading (Executive Committee Meeting)

12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Lunch

Discuss this event in your department and come as a group to enjoy this important and fun project of the Michigan Section of the MAA. Send the names of those who are able to attend Grading Day to the Director (echeng@oakland.edu).

We are in the process of inviting speakers for the Awards Day (February 25). Awards Day presentations and banquet will also be held on the campus of Oakland University.

Eddie Cheng, Oakland U

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