Governor's Report

Ruth FavroHere are some highlights of the Board of Governors meeting at MathFest in Albuquerque. The audit this year was the best ever, thanks to the work of Sharon Tryon, Finance Director. The Finance Committee presented its proposals for overhauling the dues structure, though no action was taken.

To increase membership, it was suggested that young faculty be invited to give Section meeting talks, and to reach out to mathematicians with terminal Masters degrees or working in industry.

Book sales are doing well, both online at MAA and at

AMC reported that the US team took second place in the IMO, held in Mexico in June.

Pending Joint Meetings were announced: Boston in 2012, and San Diego in 2013.

There was no child care offered at MathFest, but it will be offered at the San Antonio Joint Meetings in January.

Hope to see you January 12 - 15 in San Antonio!

Ruth Favro, Governor

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