Chairperson's Report

John FinkThe Michigan Section is a purely volunteer-run organization; it has no paid staff whatsoever. The fact that the organization functions so well is a testament to the dedication and hard work of many individuals across the state. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize some of them and to make our members aware of recent new appointments.

Our Governor, Ruth Favro (LTU), is now in the second year of her three-year term. In this capacity, she brings years of experience to our Executive Committee and works tirelessly to nurture the relationships between the Michigan Section and other mathematics organizations in the state. Ruth also represents our section at the MAA Board of Governors meeting which is held at the winter and summer meetings each year.

Gerard Venema (Calvin C) is currently serving as Past Chair. I would like to thank Gerard for his excellent leadership as Chair of the section last year and for his continuing participation in the organization.

Janet Andersen (Hope C) is our new Four-Year College Vice Chair. Together with Mark Naber (Monroe County CC), our continuing Two-Year College Vice Chair, Janet is putting together the list of speakers for the spring meeting, to be held in Grand Rapids. I want to recognize Randy Pruim (Calvin) and Matt Boelkins (GVSU) for their excellent contributions to the work of the Program Committee.

Nancy Colwell (SVSU) is now in her second year as Secretary/Treasurer of the Section. In addition to keeping the books and records, Nancy serves as a conduit of information between the Michigan Section and the National Office. I want to thank her for her faithful attention to all the details that keep this organization running smoothly.

Perhaps you will agree with me that the highlight of the Section's year is the annual meeting each spring. That meeting would not be possible without a great deal of work by many people at the host institution. On behalf of the Section I want to thank Mel Nyman, Tim Sipka, and all the other members of the local arrangements committee for hosting the 2005 meeting at Alma College and for making that meeting such a great success.

Another outstanding activity of the Section is the Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition. Eddie Cheng (OU) began the first year of his three-year term as Director of the Competition. As Director, Eddie has to oversee the work of the Exam Committee, as well as arrange for the printing, distribution, and grading of about 15,000 exams. I admire Eddie for being able to do all of this in addition to the usual responsibilities of a full-time faculty member.

Communication within the Section is very important. Some of the people who do a lot to facilitate this are the Newsletter Editor, Norman Richert (Mathematical Reviews), the Webmaster, Scott Barnett (Henry Ford CC), and the Liaison Coordinator, Reva Kasman (GVSU). I want to thank these colleagues for their faithful and timely attention to the many details of their jobs.

Communication and outreach to other institutions in the state is also important. I am grateful for the continuing contributions of Public Information Office Bob Xeras (SHU) and High School Visiting Lecture Co-Director Brian Snyder (LSSU).

It takes a continuous supply of new workers to keep the Section functioning smoothly. The Nominating Committee does the important work of recruiting new volunteers. This year the committee consists of Gerard Venema (Calvin C), Mark Naber (Monroe County CC), and Jerry Grossman (OU). Please contact a member of that committee if you wish to suggest someone for office in the Section or if you wish to volunteer yourself.

There are many others who work on behalf of the Section, but listing all of their names would flood the margins of this page. Some of them are mentioned elsewhere in this Newsletter. I would like to express my thanks to all of them. I also invite all members to consider volunteering to join them in this rewarding work.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Grand Rapids!

John Fink, Chair

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