Annual Meeting at Alma College
April 29 - 30, 2005

Fink and Sundstrom

John Fink presents the Distinguished Teaching Award to Ted Sundtrom (r).

Dow Center

The Dow Science Center at Alma College.


Part of the CMU contingent enjoying the Social Hour: Mitzi, Bob, Rich, and Tom.

Grossman and Schlicker

Jerry Grossman (l) receives the Distinguished Service Award from Steve Schlicker.


Richard Tapia speaking on "Math at Top Speed."


Marty Isaacs, MAA Polya Lecturer, spoke on "Triangular Matrices."


Susanna Epp spoke Friday morning on "The CUPM Curriculum Guide and Its Illustrative Resource."

Nyman and Smith

Mel Nyman and Debbie Smith kept the show on track.


Bruce Palka talking on, "Why Things Go Quasi in Higher Dimensons."


Tom Zerger gave a Contributed Talk on "Convergent Points in Polygons."


Harry Coonce speaks after dinner on the Mathematics Genealogy Project.

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