Welcome to Michigan NExT!

Project NExT(New Experiences in Teaching) is a national program, sponsored by the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) with support from the Exxon Educational Foundation, for faculty in their first few years of full-time teaching, who are interested in improving the learning and teaching of undergraduate mathematics. The Michigan Section of the MAA began Michigan Project NExT in May 2000. The third annual Michigan NExT program will be held in conjunction with the 2002 Annual MAA Meeting to be held at Lawrence Technological University in Southfield, Michigan, on the afternoon of Thursday, May 9th. For more information please visit the Michigan NExT web page at http://www.calvin.edu/~rpruim/next/mich. There is also a link from the Michigan Section MAA page at www.michmaa.org.

Last year we had a good time at Hope College at the second annual meeting of Michigan NExT, growing in membership from nine to fifteen. The 2001 Michigan NExT members are Karen Brown (GVSU), Pamela Cutter (Albion C), Dyana Harrelson (Hope C), Randall Pruim (Calvin C), Brian Snyder (LSSU), and Akalu Tefera (GVSU). We had a number of wonderful presentations: Matt Boelkins on how he uses the internet to get students to read the textbook before class, Randy Pruim on using the internet effectively to teach mathematics, and Rebecca Walker on the NCTM Principles and Standards. We ended the meeting with dinner at 84 East in downtown Holland Michigan.

John Clifford, UMÐDearborn

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