Governor’s Report

Jerrold Grossman At the national level, the MAA is in good shape, with an expanding range of activities and services, increasing membership, and no shortage of enthusiastic, creative, hard-working people. The lastest Board of Governors meeting was held the day before the January meetings in San Diego; it consisted mainly of reports from the staff and committee chairs.

We chose Providence for the 2004 Summer MathFest and Albuquerque for the 2005 MathFest (Boulder had been selected for the 2003 MathFest last year). Ann Arbor was originally under consideration for the 2005 meeting, but it was not clear that it met the criterion of having convenient air-conditioned dormitories; Associate Secretary Jim Tattersall said that he will continue to explore having a future MathFest there, however. I hope to see many of you at the MathFest this summer in Burlington, Vermont. These meetings are more relaxed than the winter meetings, and you can combine the math program with a family vacation (New England in the summer is delightful!).

MAA has special interest groups (known as SIGMAAs—see, with more on the way. Currently there are four, covering Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education; Business, Industry, and Government; Statistics Education; and the History of Mathematics. If these areas interest you, considering joining (for a nominal fee) or maybe think about starting a new one.

The Board raised dues slightly (in line with the increase in the CPI), and also instituted a life membership category available to all members, with rates determined actuarily.

The last thing I want to call your attention to is new professional development programs. The MAA has a $1 million grant from the NSF for a program called PREP, which conducts workshops in the summer and during the school year. There is also a new initiative called Preparing Mathematicians to Educate Teachers, with a 2-summer program (2002–2003); see for an application form.

Jerrold W. Grossman, Governor

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