Undergraduate Conference

Amy Vanderzee (GVSU Math/Stats Club President), Sylvia Wiegand (U of Nebraska), Carl Cowen (Purdue U), and Sivaram Narayan (CMU), following the panel discussion on graduate schools.

Alma College hosted the second annual Michigan Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (MUMC) on February 19. Organized by Tim Sipka (Alma C), Paul Fishback (GVSU), Jody Sorensen (GVSU), and Toni Carroll (Siena Heights U), and sponsored by the student mathematics organizations at these three colleges as well as the Michigan Section, the conference drew 130 students and faculty from colleges and universities throughout Michigan and nearby states. Major funding was provided by Alma C and GVSU, with additional financial support from CMU, EMU, and Siena Heights U.

Joseph Gallian (U of Minnesota-Duluth) gave a delightful keynote address, "Touring a Torus", which conveyed his excitement and passion for mathematics along with his enthusiasm for the Beatles. The conference included presentations by undergraduates, a panel discussion on graduate study led by graduate school recruiters, and sessions on mathematical careers. Representatives from Purdue, Clemson, the University of Nebraska, several Michigan universities, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, the National Security Agency, General Motors, and DaimlerChrysler took part.

All conference participants received T-shirts, and two TI-89 calculators were awarded as door prizes.

Complete conference information, including schedule of talks, is available on the Web, http://www.gvsu.edu/mathstat/mumc.htm. Those schools wishing to be added to the MUMC mailing list for next year are invited to contact Paul Fishback, the Section's student activities coordinator, via e-mail (fishbacp@gvsu.edu).

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