Annual Meeting Set for May 5-6

The annual meeting of the Michigan Section-MAA and MichMATYC will be held May 5-6, 2000 at Central Michigan University in Mt. Pleasant. Please note that the deadline for hotel reservations is very early — Tuesday, April 4 in one case. The deadline for meal reservations is Friday, April 21.

Highlights of the meeting include plenary addresses by nationally prominent mathematicians and educators, including David Bayer (Columbia U) and Andreas Blass (UM-Ann Arbor), whose talks on computers and logic, respectively, reflect the outcome of the vote on the greatest accomplishments of the past century (see page 9), and Fan Chung Graham (UCSD), who will speak on "hearing the shape of a graph". At Friday's awards banquet, Ron Graham (UCSD) will talk about Paul Erdös and Ramsey theory. Rheta Rubenstein (Schoolcraft C) and Colin Adams (Williams C) will provide the luncheon entertainment on Friday and Saturday, sharing their views on mathematical word origins and "real estate", respectively.

In addition, we have a wide variety of talks by faculty, students, and others on both mathematical and educational topics. The ever-popular Building Bridges session on Saturday afternoon will start off with an address by Joan Ferrini-Mundy (MSU) on the new NCTM Standards 2000, followed by breakout sessions dealing with placement, calculus in the high schools, and reform curricula.

There will be book exhibits from the MAA and several publishers (many of whom are also graciously sponsoring the coffee breaks).

Details about the schedule (including abstracts), registration, and accommodations are contained in the Program for the Annual Meeting, which is included with this Newsletter. The program is also available on the Section's Web site (

The program committee consists of Sid Graham (CMU) and Barbara Jur (Macomb CC), co-chairs, Janet Andersen (Hope C), and Larry King (UM-Flint). The local arrangements committee at CMU, consisting of Sid Graham, chair, Mitzi Chaffer, Robert Chaffer, Richard Fleming, Doug Lapp, and Tom Miles, promises excellent hospitality, good food, and a well-run meeting.

We'll see you all in Mt. Pleasant!

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