Continuing the good record from last year, I am happy to report that the Section is continuing in good financial shape. Our bank balance as of this writing is $3,785, compared to $3,414 at this time in 1998.
The annual Section meeting at EMU last May was very successful and well organized, with about 150 attendees. The MAA book sale was the most profitable in recent history, even better than last year's record, with a return of $143. This is partly due to a new MAA policy of sending multiple copies of new books and best sellers, and then returning 12% to the Section on these books, rather than 10%. And it's partly due to some heavy buying for a departmental library. What a good idea!
The annual request for Section dues, which includes a list of Section activities, has been sent to each member of the MAA in Michigan. We also included a Call for Papers for the annual meeting (to be held May 5-6, 2000 at CMU). We hope this early announcement will encourage people to think about presentations and will encourage participation.
One of the major costs to the Section, which benefits the entire mathematical community, is the printing and mailing of this Newsletter. It is mailed to all faculty members in mathematical sciences departments in Michigan colleges and universities, in addition to MAA members. Another major cost is the Section meeting, mentioned above. Your dues directly support these activities. While I can't acknowledge each of you individually, please know that I am always thankful when I open your envelope.
This past year saw an increase in institutional members. A new benefit for institutional members is access to a data base of the MMPC Part II qualifiers. This can be sent to department chairs upon request to me, and could be useful for recruiting.
Our sustaining membership is steady, but regular membership was down. I think some people simply forgot. The time to send in your dues is when you are thinking about it now, for example. Encourage your colleagues, especially new department members, to become members. There is a convenient form in the printed newsletter on page 34. Any time you have a question, please e-mail me at
Ruth Favro, Secretary/Treasurer
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