MMPC Calculator Policy Revised

In 1998-99 an ad hoc committee of the Michigan Section of the MAA, chaired by Paul Eenigenburg (WMU), conducted a thorough review of the calculator policy for the Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition, carefully analyzing recent MMPC Part I examinations and soliciting and weighing a variety of opinions and options. Based on the committee's recommendation, the Section Executive Committee adopted the following policy for the forty-third MMPC (1999-2000):

Any calculator is permitted on Part I. Unacceptable machines include portable computers and pocket organizers. All problems will be solvable with no more technology than a scientific calculator. Possessing a more powerful calculator should not be a significant advantage. No calculators are permitted on Part II.

In particular, the TI-89 and TI-92, which were prohibited until now, were allowed on Part I in 1999.

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