Professor Robert Chaffer (CMU) was presented with the Michigan Section's Distinguished Service Award at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Section last May in Kalamazoo.
Mel Nyman (Alma C), right, presents Distinguished Service Award
to Bob Chaffer at annual meeting banquet.Professor Chaffer has served the Michigan Section as Secretary/Treasurer, speaker at annual meetings, editor of the Newsletter, director of the HSVLP, and member of local arrangement committees for annual meetings. The citation presented to him at the meeting is shown below.
Robert A. Chaffer
for the
Distinguished Service Award
The Michigan Section of the Mathematical Association of America is extremely pleased to recognize Professor Robert Chaffer as the 1998 recipient of the Section's Distinguished Service Award. Implicit in this award is the acknowledgment of the contributions he has made to a wide spectrum of Section activities.
Professor Chaffer has served the Michigan Section in many capacities. These include Secretary/Treasurer (1977-1980), member of the Executive Committee (1977-1981), Editor of the Section Newsletter (1977-1980), High School Visiting Lecturer, Director of the High School Visiting Lecture Program (1986-1988), member of local arrangements committees for annual meetings (1978-1980), and a regular participant in Grading Day activities for the MMPC. It is noteworthy that any one of the above positions is generally regarded as a major commitment to the Section. In addition, Professor Chaffer has given talks at various Section meetings as well as at MCTM meetings.
Professor Chaffer has been a faculty member at Central Michigan University since 1970, where he has held various administrative positions. He has twice been the mathematics department nominee for the MAGB Outstanding Faculty Award.
For his many years of service, leadership, and continuing support, the Michigan Section proudly presents the
1998 Distinguished Service Award
Professor Robert A. Chaffer
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