Michigan NExT

Plans are underway for the Sixth Annual Michigan NExT Symposium to be held in conjunction with the 2005 Spring Section Meeting. Once again this year, Michigan Section Project NExT Fellows will participate in a session specifically designed for them, on Thursday afternoon, April 28, 2005, preceding the start of the Section Meeting. The program for the Michigan NExT sessions varies from year to year and addresses issues of particular importance to new faculty such as: developing successful teaching and assessment strategies; supervising undergraduate research; planning new courses and selecting text books; using appropriate technology in the classroom; balancing teaching, research and service responsibilities; starting and maintaining a teaching portfolio; achieving tenure.

Co-organizers Matthew Boelkins (GVSU) and Randall Pruim (Calvin C) are currently soliciting suggestions for topics and/or speakers. If you have a recommendation of a speaker or topic to consider, please contact Matt (boelkinm@gvsu.edu) or Randy (rpruim@calvin.edu). Self-nominations will also be considered. Up-to-date information about the 2005 Symposium will be maintained on www.calvin.edu/~rpruim/next/mich.

Each year, between five and ten Michigan Fellows will be selected for two-year terms. Their fellowship will pay the conference registration for the Section Meeting and entitle them to attend the special session on Thursday, which includes dinner on Thursday evening. Applicants must have the support of their department and should provide a statement of support from a department chair or dean, guaranteeing financial support for transportation, meals, and lodging at the Section Meeting. Limited support for travel and lodging may be available for applicants whose departments cannot support faculty travel. To be eligible, faculty must be in their first four years of full-time teaching and have a strong commitment to teaching undergraduates. Application procedures will be posted on the Michigan NExT web site by early January. National NExT Fellows are encouraged to apply. All past Michigan Project NExT Fellows are warmly invited to attend and participate. Graduate students are also welcome to join us; if interested, please contact one of the organizers.

Finally, the three co-organizers of the Michigan Project NExT Symposium are entering phased retirement (from MiNExT). After five years of leadership, John Clifford (UM-Dearborn) has stepped down from this position, leaving Randy and Matt “in charge”. We are seeking two to three new leaders to take over organization of the annual symposium; joining this year will give you the opportunity to work jointly with Randy and Matt to get a feel for how the program works. This is an enjoyable and satisfying endeavor, and one that promotes professional development among new faculty in mathematics in the state. Contact Randy or Matt to express further interest.

Randall Pruim, Calvin College and UM-Ann Arbor

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