Chairperson’s Report

Gerard Venema The Michigan Section is a purely volunteer-run organization; it has no paid staff whatsoever. The fact that the organization functions so well is a testament to the dedication and hard work of many individuals across the state. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize some of them and to make members aware of recent turnover in many positions.

Michigan now has the distinction of having its second female governor; Ruth Favro (LTU) was recently elected the new Governor of the Section. Ruth assumed her position this summer and represented the Section at her first MAA Board of Governors Meeting in August. Jerry Grossman (OU) served with distinction as governor of the Section for the past three years.

Steve Schlicker (GVSU) is currently serving as Past Chair. On behalf of the Michigan Section, I would like to take this opportunity to thank him for the work he did as Chair of the Section last year.

The Section has two new Vice Chairs: John Fink (Kalamazoo C) is the new Four-Year College Vice Chair and Mark Naber (Monroe County CC) is the new Two-Year College Vice Chair. The two Vice Chairs serve as co-chairs of the program committee for the Section’s annual meeting, so John and Mark have already been hard at work planning the May meeting. Scott Barnett (Henry Ford CC) did a great job as Two-Year College Vice Chair for the past two years.

Margret Höft (UM-Dearborn) served ably for the past three years as Secretary/Treasurer of the Section. Nancy Colwell (SVSU) recently assumed those responsibilities and is beginning a three-year term as Secretary/Treasurer.

The highlight of the Section’s year is the annual meeting each spring, and that meeting would not be possible without a great deal of work by many people at the host institution. Thanks to Oakland University, Jack Nachman, and all the others members of the local arrangements committee for hosting the 2004 meeting at Oakland University and for making the meeting a great success.

Another outstanding activity of the Section is the Michigan Mathematics Prize Competition. For the past three years, David Redman (Delta C) has directed the competition. After the current year, he will pass the reins to Eddie Cheng (OU).

Communication within the Section is very important and two people who do a lot to facilitate that communication are the Webmaster and the Liaison Coordinator. Earl Fife (Calvin C) has served the Section for many years as Webmaster. Earl has decided to step down, and the Executive Committee has named Scott Barnett (Henry Ford CC) to replace him. For the past three years Robert Molina (Alma C) has served as Liaison Coordinator for the Section. Robert has also decided to retire from his position, and Reva Kasman (GVSU) has agreed to assume the responsibilities.

Matt Boelkins (GVSU) served as advertising manager for the Section sslast year. Matt has retired from that position, and John Stoughton (Hope C) has taken over the responsibilities.

Michigan has an active Project NExT group. John Clifford (UM-Dearborn) has organized the group for the past five years, but he is stepping down. Randy Pruim (Calvin C) and Matt Boelkins (GVSU) are filling in for now, but they are looking for others to join them—see their article elsewhere in this Newsletter.

Newsletter Editor Norman Richert (Math Reviews), Public Information Officer Bob Xeras (Siena Heights U), Student Activities Coordinator Randy Pruim (Calvin C), and co-directors Brian Snyder and Evan Schemm (LSSU) of the High School Visiting Lecture Program are all continuing in their positions.

It takes a continuous supply of new workers to keep the Section functioning smoothly. The nominating committee does the important work of recruiting new volunteers. This year the committee consists of Steve Schlickler (GVSU), Mark Naber (Monroe CC), and Bette Warren (EMU). Please contact a member of that committee if you wish to suggest someone for office in the Section or if you wish to volunteer yourself.

There are many others who work on behalf of the Section, but there is not enough room to list them all. Some of them are mentioned elsewhere in this Newsletter. I’d like to express thanks to all of them. I also invite all members to consider volunteering to join them in this rewarding work.

I will close by mentioning one final opportunity to serve the Section. Hosting a Section meeting takes a good bit of advance planning. Sites for the next two spring meetings have been selected (the 2006 meeting will be held at Calvin College and the 2007 meeting will be held at UM-Dearborn). If your department would be willing to host a Spring meeting in 2008 or later, contact a member of the Executive Committee.

Gerard Venema, Chair

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