The next joint annual meeting of the Michigan Section–MAA and Mich-MATYC will be held May 10–11, 2002 at Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, Michigan. We are planning an exciting program with a variety of talks and workshops in mathematics, the teaching of mathematics, applications of mathematics, and other issues of professional interest. Speakers include Bernard Madison, Visiting Mathematician at MAA in Washington. Janet Andersen (Hope C), chair of the Committee on the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathematics, is organizing an Assessment Forum. Tentative acceptances from other speakers have been received. Additional speakers will be invited. More details will appear in the Spring Newsletter.
In addition to our invited speakers, we will have sessions for contributed papers, as well as a special session for papers by undergraduates. Instructions for submitting abstracts for these sessions are contained in the Call for Papers, which appears on the Call for Papers of this Newsletter. Speaking at a contributed paper session is an excellent way to share your work and to become acquainted with your state colleagues. The meeting is scheduled to run all day Friday and Saturday morning with a likely additional Saturday afternoon session. There will be luncheons both Friday and Saturday and a Friday evening banquet. In keeping with our usual practices, the annual teaching and service awards will be presented at the Friday evening banquet.
The program committee consists of chair John Mooningham (SVSU) along with Jim Ham (Delta C), Bill Arlinghaus (LTU), and Kristen Moore (UM–Ann Arbor). Please notify one of us if you would like to give a presentation or if you have a suggestion for the program. Michael Merscher chairs the local arrangements committee; other members are Ruth Favro, Pamela Lowry, and Thomas Lackey (all are from LTU). Contact information for all of us is given on the Committees and Appointments page.
John Mooningham, Four-year College Vice Chair
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